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Caynine's Graveyard

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ID Name Species Gender Died of
#155275 Lady Bambiraptor Female of old age.
#322123 Little M Allosaurus Female of euthanasia.
#147484 Little Peppermint Bambiraptor Female of old age.
#595796 Livid Brown Deinonychus Female of starvation.
#161667 Lucky 13 BbIiJjOoSSVv Allosaurus Female of old age.
#158951 Luminous Linheraptor Female of old age.
#153891 Lyn BbIiOoSsTT Allosaurus Female of old age.
#215525 Lyre IiRrTtVV ACdH Linheraptor Male of euthanasia.
#556003 M BbVv aCDdHh (Saab*Tigress) Linheraptor Male of starvation.
#189848 M GgIiOoSsVv 3/6 L8 Sinornithosaurus Male of old age.
#556528 M GgOo Aacdh (Rimkaru*Imp) Linheraptor Male of starvation.
#556039 M IiOo aCDdHh (SnowKnight*PeaceHawk) Linheraptor Male of starvation.
#557538 M Vv aCDdHh (Decepticon*Faroes) Linheraptor Male of poor health.
#410545 M.A. Battleship Jj acdh (Nero*4theHorde) Carnotaurus Female of euthanasia.
#283292 Madonna Deinonychus Female of euthanasia.
#601326 Maitland Archaeopteryx Female of poor health.
#151437 Marshal Deinonychus Female of old age.
#175129 MC IiSS Allosaurus Female of old age.
#336722 MC Tricker BbGgVv (???*ChaØs-Misery) Carnotaurus Female of euthanasia.
#58838 MDNs Apple Treat Deinonychus Female of euthanasia.