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Caynine's Graveyard

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ID Name Species Gender Died of
#418973 !DC Diesel* [GP] acdh (Comet*Tllpppy) Dimetrodon Male of euthanasia.
#419112 |/ Apache TTvv acDdHh (Knock'EmDead*Cherokee) Linheraptor Male of euthanasia.
#419208 [GP] aCcDh (Soulfire*Nautica) Bambiraptor Female of euthanasia.
#419217 Bb ACcdh (Baltic*Rythmic) Bambiraptor Male of euthanasia.
#419229 THZ Kodak Ggoo acdh (Cannon*ST) Albertosaurus Female of euthanasia.
#419412 Diego BbGgIiJjOoSs ACcDH Neuquenraptor Male of euthanasia.
#419415 Krimzon BbJjTtvv AaCDdHh Neuquenraptor Male of euthanasia.
#419416 Amaryllis GgJjOoRrvv ACcDH Neuquenraptor Female of euthanasia.
#420542 THZ Durango [GP] AacdHh (Rango*Brooke) Tyrannosaurus Rex Male of euthanasia.
#420552 THZ Ironman Gg AacdHh (Ironhide*Ikary) Carnotaurus Male of euthanasia.
#420886 Flash GgJjSSTT ACcDH Balaur Male of euthanasia.
#420887 $ Lab Balaur Female of euthanasia.
#420900 BBGgiiJjOoRRSSttVv* Balaur Male of euthanasia.
#421319 THZ A^ Strux Vv aCcDdHh (Zoid**Speachless) Sinornithosaurus Male of euthanasia.
#421320 THZ Starzeta [GP] AaCcDdHh (Zoid**Speachless) Sinornithosaurus Female of euthanasia.
#421546 Deux OoVv acdh Neuquenraptor Male of euthanasia.
#421666 THZ RJ OoVv aCcDh eeEe (Revolution*RoyalHeart) Tyrannosaurus Rex Male of euthanasia.
#422513 Duke Balaur Male of euthanasia.
#423616 IiJjoRrSsTv Balaur Female of euthanasia.
#423617 BbGGiiJjOoRrssTTVv Balaur Female of euthanasia.