ID | Name | Species | Gender | Died of |
#383806 | AMF Shadowmere IiOoSsVv aCdh (Shadowshaft*Tarsa) | Tyrannosaurus Rex | Female | of euthanasia. |
#384077 | THZ Di IiRr aCDdH (Merlin*Tri) | Linheraptor | Female | of euthanasia. |
#384606 | Dino Egg | Spinosaurus | Female | of euthanasia. |
#384865 | THZ Snickerdoodle JjOo AaCcDdhh (Nutter*Malight) | Dimetrodon | Male | of euthanasia. |
#385763 | THZ Frontline JjVv ACDdHh (SouljaBoy*S10) | Sinornithosaurus | Male | of euthanasia. |
#386390 | THZ Luna [GP] aCcDdh (Russian*Athen) | Tyrannosaurus Rex | Female | of euthanasia. |
#386391 | THZ Coasta Bb aCcdh (Russian*Athen) | Tyrannosaurus Rex | Female | of euthanasia. |
#386396 | THZ Detroit Oo AaCcdh (Rango*Midnight) | Tyrannosaurus Rex | Male | of euthanasia. |
#386397 | THZ Sundown Oo aCcdHh (Rango*Midnight) | Tyrannosaurus Rex | Female | of euthanasia. |
#386977 | THZ Moon Legend Tt AaCdHh (Astral*PhastTale) | Sinornithosaurus | Male | of euthanasia. |
#387563 | (Earth*Pandora) | Buitreraptor | Female | of euthanasia. |
#387606 | IiOo(RedHot*Dynomite) | Linheraptor | Female | of euthanasia. |
#388826 | Starburst* for caynine | Buitreraptor | Female | of euthanasia. |
#390009 | UZG Carmelita GgVv AaCcDdh (Edmond*Dcx-) | Carnotaurus | Female | of euthanasia. |
#390740 | THZ Aston Ss aCcDdHh (AmLyndor*Ferrari) | Linheraptor | Female | of euthanasia. |
#390743 | THZ Saab BbIiOoSsVv aCDdHh (AmLyndor*Ferrari) | Linheraptor | Male | of euthanasia. |
#390829 | Dino Egg | Buitreraptor | Female | of euthanasia. |
#391208 | THZ Imp Oo AaCcdHh (Pheonix*Fiend) | Linheraptor | Female | of euthanasia. |
#391287 | AMF Peace Hawk IiooSsTt AaCDHh (Tranquil*ScndLove) | Linheraptor | Female | of euthanasia. |
#391917 | THZ Nieva Ss aCdH (WhiteKnight*RSnow) | Linheraptor | Female | of euthanasia. |