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Elske's Graveyard

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5

ID Name Species Gender Died of
#850427 Faded Tyrannosaurus Rex Female of poor health.
#847144 For Sale - [ NGP - 6/6 P - 661 Stats ] 150k Dimetrodon Male of poor health.
#846941 Aurora [6/6 GP] Dimetrodon Male of poor health.
#843357 Tuff Deinonychus Female of poor health.
#834562 Rhiannon the White Dimetrodon Female of poor health.
#829281 Eggplant Baryonyx Female of old age.
#829276 Sia Baryonyx Female of old age.
#829257 Cascade Carnotaurus Female of old age.
#829252 Zombie Carnotaurus Female of old age.
#829247 Jacksons Purple Carnotaurus Female of old age.
#829246 Loulou Carnotaurus Female of old age.
#829134 Wine Berry Phorusrhacos Female of old age.
#829131 Honeysuckle Phorusrhacos Female of old age.
#829127 Sugar Cane Phorusrhacos Female of old age.
#829061 Daisy Bush Tyrannosaurus Rex Female of old age.
#829059 Gruner Tyrannosaurus Rex Male of old age.
#828662 Valentino Tyrannosaurus Rex Female of old age.
#828647 Persian Red Spinosaurus Female of old age.
#828641 Bronze Olive Spinosaurus Female of old age.
#828441 Grallen Tyrannosaurus Rex Male of old age.