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Native's Graveyard

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ID Name Species Gender Died of
#865376 Anubis Acrocanthosaurus Male of poor health.
#905215 Aoelus (Albino Eyes, GP, 6/6 perfects) Carnotaurus Male of poor health.
#886185 Aphrodite [Albino Eyes, AGP, 6/6 perfects] Baryonyx Female of poor health.
#965271 Aphrodite's Seashell Bikini (NGP, 6/6 Perfects, Blue Eyes) Spinosaurus Female of old age.
#919878 Apocrypha (GP, 6/6 perfects, Orange Eyes) Acrocanthosaurus Female of old age.
#919605 Arabic Maurader (NGP, 5/6 perfects, Blue Eyes) Dimetrodon Male of starvation.
#965818 Arabic Sunstone (GP, 6/6 Perfects, Yellow Eyes) Carnotaurus Female of old age.
#945057 Arctic Wolf (NGP, 6/6 Perfects, Orange Eyes) Acrocanthosaurus Female of old age.
#904933 Ariel (Blue Eyes, GP, 6/6 perfects) Phorusrhacos Female of poor health.
#965030 Aries (NGP, 6/6 Perfects, Red Eyes) Acrocanthosaurus Female of old age.
#899807 Armegedonn [Blue Eyes, NGP, 6/6 perfects] Acrocanthosaurus Female of poor health.
#881182 Arrow Head Acrocanthosaurus Male of poor health.
#885757 Artemis [Red Eyes, GP, 6/6 perfects] Carnotaurus Female of poor health.
#964997 Arthur Morgan (GP, 6/6 Perfects, Brown Eyes) Acrocanthosaurus Male of old age.
#965850 Ash and Bone (AGP, 6/6, Yellow Eyes) Dimetrodon Male of old age.
#946284 Asiatic Lily (NGP, 6/6 Perfects, Red Eyes) Acrocanthosaurus Female of old age.
#965034 Asmodeus (NGP, 6/6 Perfects, Brown Eyes) Acrocanthosaurus Male of old age.
#919917 Asterix (GP, 6/6 perfects, Albino Eyes) Acrocanthosaurus Female of old age.
#871289 At The Gates (aka Kelly, Mate: Kaydyn) [Black Eyes, GP, 6/6 perfects] Acrocanthosaurus Female of old age.
#828185 Athello Albertosaurus Male of euthanasia.