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Native's Graveyard

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ID Name Species Gender Died of
#965813 Green Waves (AGP, 6/6, Green Eyes) Baryonyx Female of old age.
#943849 Grey Wolf (GP, 6/6 Perfects, Albino Eyes) Acrocanthosaurus Male of old age.
#666571 Grey Wolfe (FF) Acrocanthosaurus Female of starvation.
#919833 Gumball Slide (GP, 5/6 perfects, Blue Eyes) Phorusrhacos Male of starvation.
#919925 Gunmetal (GP, 6/6 perfects, Yellow Eyes) Dimetrodon Male of poor health.
#762101 Hades (Blue Eyes, 6/6 perfects) Allosaurus Female of poor health.
#768017 Halloween Scream (FF) Acrocanthosaurus Female of poor health.
#965127 Hallowing Holiday Horrors (NGP, 6/6 Perfects, Yellow Eyes) Spinosaurus Female of old age.
#884756 Handsome [Albino Eyes, GP, 5/6 perfects] Acrocanthosaurus Male of poor health.
#888870 Harlem Vendetta [Blue Eyes, CPG, 3/6 perfects] Baryonyx Female of poor health.
#905054 Hawaii 5-O (Orange Eyes, NGP, 6/6 perfects) Acrocanthosaurus Male of old age.
#904429 Hawkeye (Red Eyes, AGP, 6/6 perfects) Allosaurus Female of poor health.
#965640 Hell's Bells (NGP, 6/6 Perfects, Yellows Eyes) Carnotaurus Female of old age.
#863446 Hershey Kiss (Rene x NPM) Acrocanthosaurus Female of poor health.
#888743 Highland Rocky Lady [Green Eyes, NGP, 6/6 perfects] Acrocanthosaurus Female of poor health.
#965424 Hint of Roses (GP, 5/6 Perfects, Purple Eyes) Spinosaurus Female of old age.
#892770 Honey Bell [Purple Eyes, GP, 6/6 perfects] Phorusrhacos Female of poor health.
#965665 Hyacinth (AGP, 6/6 Perfects, Yellow Eyes) Allosaurus Female of old age.
#945051 Iced N' Frozen (GP, 6/6 Perfects, Purple Eyes) Acrocanthosaurus Female of old age.
#965258 In It For the Ladies (NGP, 6/6 Perfects, Purple Eyes) Spinosaurus Male of old age.