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~ LunaOfMidnight's Graveyard

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ID Name Species Gender Died of
#496149 *** 5 to the Extreme *** (6/6)(J) Genes: BBGGIiJjooRRSsTTVV Tyrannosaurus Rex Male of poor health.
#496063 *** Swamp Berry *** (5/6)(Blue)(Genes: BBGgIiJJOORRssttVv) Baryonyx Male of poor health.
#494258 *** Wonderland *** (6/6)(J)(Yellow)(Genes: BbggIIJJOoRRSsttvv) Baryonyx Female of poor health.
#494249 *** Surf's Up! *** (5/6)(J)(Yellow)(Genes: BbGGIiJJOoRRssttVv) Baryonyx Male of poor health.
#494246 *** Ringling Star *** (3/6)(J)(Black)(Genes: BbGgIiJJooRRssTtVv) Baryonyx Male of poor health.
#493477 One Lime Note Carnotaurus Male of starvation.
#491750 *** Fern *** (6/6)(GP) Dimetrodon Male of starvation.
#490367 *** Underground Magma *** (4/6)(J)(Genes: BBGGIiJJOORRSsttVV)(A) Tyrannosaurus Rex Male of poor health.
#489788 *** Fire Spark *** (6/6)(J) Genes: BbGGiiJJOORRssttVV Dimetrodon Female of poor health.
#489786 *** Dare *** (6/6)(J) Genes: BbGGiiJJOORRssttVV Dimetrodon Male of poor health.
#489698 *** Oreo *** (6/6) Genes: BBGGiiJJOORRssttVv Dimetrodon Female of poor health.
#489614 *** Dreamer's World *** (4/6) Genes: BBGGiiJJOORRssttVv (A) Tyrannosaurus Rex Male of poor health.
#489195 *** I Am the Knight *** (6/6) Genes: BBGGiiJJOORRssTtVV (A) Tyrannosaurus Rex Male of poor health.
#488155 *** Homeland *** (6/6) Genes: BBGGiiJJOoRRssTtVV (A) Tyrannosaurus Rex Male of poor health.
#486677 *** Robin's Reckoning *** (6/6)(J)(GP) Tyrannosaurus Rex Female of poor health.
#486675 *** Avenger *** (6/6)(J)(GP) Tyrannosaurus Rex Male of poor health.
#486667 *** Night's Stars *** (6/6)(J)(Orange)(Genes: BbGGIiJJOoRRssttVV) Tyrannosaurus Rex Female of poor health.
#485879 *** Love's Rose *** (6/6)(J) Genes: BBGGiiJJOORRssttVv Tyrannosaurus Rex Male of poor health.
#485878 *** Matrix *** (5/6)(J) Genes: BBGGiiJJOORRssttVv (A) Tyrannosaurus Rex Female of poor health.
#485848 *** Have No Fear *** (5/6)(J) Genes: BBGGiiJjOORRSsTtvv Albertosaurus Female of poor health.