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~ LunaOfMidnight's Graveyard

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ID Name Species Gender Died of
#982499 Dino Egg Spinosaurus Male of poor health.
#982494 Dino Egg Spinosaurus Male of poor health.
#982491 Dino Egg Spinosaurus Female of poor health.
#982464 Dino Egg Spinosaurus Male of poor health.
#982463 Dino Egg Spinosaurus Female of poor health.
#982390 Dino Egg Dimetrodon Female of poor health.
#982381 Dino Egg Baryonyx Male of poor health.
#982259 - Nostalgic Slushie - [6/6][NGP] ~ blue ~ Spinosaurus Female of poor health.
#982257 - Tootsie Taffy - [5/6][bbGGiiJJOoRRssttVv] ~ orange ~ Spinosaurus Male of poor health.
#982118 - Second Halloween - [6/6][GP] ~ blue ~ Spinosaurus Female of poor health.
#982117 - Africa Bead - [6/6][GP] ~ purple ~ Spinosaurus Male of poor health.
#981526 - Flower Feather - [6/6][BBGGiiJjOoRRssttVv] ~ albino ~ Phorusrhacos Male of poor health.
#976616 - Buttermilk Red - [5/6][GP] ~ red ~ Carnotaurus Male of poor health.
#974338 Lemohazard Baryonyx Female of poor health.
#973717 - Dream Rainforest - [6/6][NGP] ~ blue ~ Allosaurus Female of old age.
#967523 - Lunar Grape - [4/6][GP] ~ purple ~ Baryonyx Female of old age.
#967517 - Gold Sands - [4/6][BBGgiiJJOORRssttVv] ~ brown ~ Baryonyx Male of old age.
#967516 - White Dragonfruit - [6/6][NGP] ~ blue ~ Phorusrhacos Female of old age.
#967515 - Kinged Fisher - [6/6][GP] ~ yellow ~ Phorusrhacos Male of poor health.
#967511 - Cloud Streak - [3/6][NGP] ~ blue ~ Albertosaurus Male of old age.