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~ LunaOfMidnight's Graveyard

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ID Name Species Gender Died of
#616400 *** Checker Maze *** (6/6)(GP) - *Yellow Eyes* Dimetrodon Male of starvation.
#616401 *** Icebreaker's Break *** (6/6)(GP) - *Yellow Eyes* Dimetrodon Male of starvation.
#618097 *** Volcanoe Ice *** (6/6)(Genes - BBggiiJJOORRssttVv) - *Purple Eyes* Acrocanthosaurus Male of starvation.
#618222 *** City's Water Shimmer *** (6/6)(Genes - BbGGIiJJOORRSsTtvv) - *Blue Eyes Acrocanthosaurus Female of starvation.
#619724 *** See No More *** (6/6)(Genes: BBGGiiJJOORRssTtVv) - *Orange Eyes* Carnotaurus Male of starvation.
#619736 *** Welcome, Rich Boy *** (6/6)(GP) - *Blue Eyes* Dimetrodon Male of starvation.
#619737 *** Good 'Ol Fashion Payback *** (6/6)(GP) - *Yellow Eyes* Dimetrodon Female of starvation.
#624922 Dino Egg Acrocanthosaurus Male of starvation.
#626094 Dino Egg Carnotaurus Male of starvation.
#626098 Dino Egg Carnotaurus Female of starvation.
#629349 Dino Egg Acrocanthosaurus Female of starvation.
#658159 *** Beauty of Night *** (6/6)(GP) - *Blue Eyes* Acrocanthosaurus Female of starvation.
#657285 Dino Egg Acrocanthosaurus Male of starvation.
#657283 Dino Egg Acrocanthosaurus Female of starvation.
#658488 Dino Egg Dimetrodon Female of starvation.
#658487 Dino Egg Dimetrodon Male of starvation.
#694467 *** Gotham Stream *** (3/6)(GP) - *Blue Eyes* Baryonyx Male of starvation.
#703897 *** Dark Magic *** (6/6)(Genes: BBGGiiJJOORRssttVv) - *Purple Eyes* Acrocanthosaurus Male of starvation.
#701528 *** Wind *** (6/6)(Genes: BbGGiiJJOORRssttVV) - *Blue Eyes* Dimetrodon Female of starvation.
#702947 *** Cold Walk *** (6/6)(Genes: BBGgiiJJOoRRssttVV) - *Blue Eyes* Acrocanthosaurus Female of starvation.