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~ LunaOfMidnight's Graveyard

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ID Name Species Gender Died of
#961963 - Nuked Coal - [GP][5/6] ~ black ~ Baryonyx Male of poor health.
#961972 Dino Egg Tyrannosaurus Rex Female of poor health.
#962064 Dino Egg Dimetrodon Female of poor health.
#964863 - Ender Eye - [5/6][Genes: BBGgiiJJOORRssttVv] ~ purple ~ Baryonyx Male of poor health.
#964880 - Ice Way - [6/6][Genes: BBGGiiJjOORRssTtVV] ~ blue ~ Tyrannosaurus Rex Male of poor health.
#965017 - Bumble Flower - [6/6][GP] ~ albino ~ Acrocanthosaurus Female of poor health.
#964983 - Rose Hip - [5/6][Genes: BBGgiiJJooRRssttVV] ~ blue ~ Baryonyx Male of poor health.
#964974 - Cinnamon - [6/6][Genes: BBGGiiJJooRRssTtVV] ~ yellow ~ Spinosaurus Male of poor health.
#965031 - Red Death - [6/6][GP] ~ red ~ Acrocanthosaurus Female of poor health.
#593066 *** Grape Freeze *** (6/6)(Genes: BBGgiiJJOoRRssttVv) - *Yellow Eyes* Baryonyx Female of starvation.
#595281 *** White Fire *** (5/6)(Genes: BBGGIiJJOORRssttVv) - *Red Eyes* Carnotaurus Female of starvation.
#595283 *** Checkered Night *** (6/6)(GP) - *Yellow Eyes* Dimetrodon Female of starvation.
#595284 *** Time Square *** (6/6)(GP) - *Yellow Eyes* Dimetrodon Male of starvation.
#603551 *** Rain Opacity *** (6/6)(GP) - *Blue Eyes* Dimetrodon Female of starvation.
#604609 *** Blue's Mist *** (6/6)(GP) - *Yellow Eyes* Dimetrodon Male of starvation.
#607621 *** Tigress of the Blue *** (6/6)(GP) - *Blue Eyes* Dimetrodon Female of starvation.
#609076 *** Faded Copper *** (6/6)(Genes - BBGGiiJjOORRssttVv) - *Red Eyes* Carnotaurus Female of starvation.
#610535 *** Dark Vine's Light *** (6/6)(GP) - *Red Eyes* Carnotaurus Female of starvation.
#613066 *** Google Earth *** (6/6)(GP) - *Yellow Eyes* Dimetrodon Female of starvation.
#616379 *** Grape's Fire *** (5/6)(Genes - BBGGIiJJOORRssTtvv) - *Orange Eyes* Carnotaurus Female of starvation.