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Viewing Dr.Speedy Fox's Farm - Dino Nation |
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Hello! Welcome! I'm am Dr. Speedy Fox.
This is the Dino Nation, please enjoy your visit! We are currently trying to bred all current Dinosaurs and obtain all Herbivores for you to sight see. Dinosaurs are no longer being fed daily instead to collect more money they are being fed Herbivore meet instead when their hunger is lower than 30%. The T-Rex Exhibits are our money raisers, they fight every day getting money for this Park. Be sure to stop by the Dinosaur Nation store! Sometimes there are good things selling! Have a nice day.
Everyone on this website is pretty much my friend <3 I love them all and hope they enjoy this site that I still enjoy to this day and beyond!
I have a lot of dinosaurs, hoping to get ALL of them and all herds too, after all this is a Park ;) The majority are T-rex because I use them to make money
Herbis I am trying to collect all Herbis, Right now I'm very concern for my new dodo herds and my longneck herds. I use my herbis for food lul (not dodos too precious)
Currently have one type of fish .
This is my boyfriend <3
I play wolvden usually and other games like Wolfplay, Herd of Hounds, Lioden, Cats End, Flightrising.
If you wanna chat about exhibited or whatever, dm for discord.
Acrocanthosaurus |
Albertosaurus |
Allosaurus |
Anchiornis |
Atrociraptor |
Balaur |
Bambiraptor |
Baryonyx |
Buitreraptor |
Carnotaurus |
Coelophysis |
Compsognathus |
Deinonychus |
Dilophosaurus |
Dimetrodon |
Graciliraptor |
Guanlong |
Linheraptor |
Lolosaurus |
Megaraptor |
Microraptor |
Neuquenraptor |
Ornitholestes |
Phorusrhacos |
Pyroraptor |
Sinornithosaurus |
Sinosauropteryx |
Spinosaurus |
Trex retirement home |
Troodon |
Tyrannosaurus rex |
Utahraptor |
Ammosaurus |
Anchisaurus | Ankylosaurus | Bellusaurus |
Brachyceratops | Centrosaurus | Diplodocus |
DODOS SO PRETTY | Dravidosaurus | Echinodon |
Enigmosaurus | Gravitholus | Hyracotherium |
Kentrosaurus | Mammoth | Pachycephalosaurus |
Parasaurolophus | Protoceratops | REINDEER |
RESERVED FOR MAIA | Stegosaurus |