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After having that "exciting" moment you come across another enclosure, only this one has stronger fencing. you get closer and read "Megaraptors". you get a chill sent down your spine. you sit on the bench 5 feet away from the fence and watch for movements. all of a sudden a tall raptor steps out the tangle of trees and thumps his thick tail on the ground. you slink closer to the fence and read his name tag, "Loki". named after the god of tricks. you laugh and watch loki. he jumps on the fence and bares his fangs at you, you jump back. then loki runs back to the foilage and comes back with a tiny blue hatchling with big ruby red eyes. you read her tag, "deka". loki gently drops her near the edge of the fence, she licks him and sniffs around the gate/fencing. you look in awe as she trips over her own tail. after an hour or so of watching loki play an cuddle with deka you get up and keep walking down the trail, hoping for no more big suprises.
3 dinosaurs with happiness below 100% in this enclosure.