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Owned By Gem Valley (#35592) 3/5 Inhabitants
you wave back at holly and walk down the trail to the first enclosure. you get close enough to read the sigh, it says " Atrociraptors". you shiver a little knowing you've heard that name before, they're known to be big and strong dinos. you shake it off and walk closer to the fencing around the green lush space and you hear a low chirp/bellow. you look around and see nothing. you hear fast movements and then fast as light a big sturdy male raptor jumps from a high rock and rushes the fence, your jump back scared but still looking at the burly male. he puffs his crest and stalkes back and forth, brushing his feathered tail against the fence, hissing. you sneak closer to read his name tag, it reads "khari". he must be the alpha. khari bellows but then stops hissing, you turn and see holly walking towards teh enclosure. she puts her arm through the fence and chirps to khari, he runs to the gate and licks her hand and pushes himself against her happily. holly throws him a steak. then out of a the trees a fluffy, colorful female struts over and greets khari by nuzzling him, then purrs to holly and licks her hand as in saying hi. holly tells you to not agitate khari and walks off. you nervously laugh and walk to down the trail...

Night Pack
L1 BGR Khari 32
L1 BGR Brink 19

L1 BGR Dino Egg 2


3 dinosaurs with happiness below 100% in this enclosure.