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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Skye started chasing her brother, "Oak I'm serious! We have to go home!" She heard the whispers of the darkness telling her to go faster. Skye caught up to her brother cutting him off, "We have to go home the yellow meanie is up to something..." Skye looked like she was about to cry. There was no mistake in her mind they had to go home right then, Skye managed to grab her brother's wing and tried to pull him but being so small she couldn't. Skye was desperate to get her siblings where they'd be safe. There was no choice, they had to go home...
Midnight forced herself between them. "Stop fighting NOW." Her voice a full of athority. "Skye, think about it. If we go home we'll have to go out into day-light, and then what happens? Mr. Evil yellow guy finds us a catches us. Down here we can pick anyway we want to go and never get lost! Don't you see? Coal said it himself, that prophisy is about US. Skye, your yang and oaks yin, and I'm the balance between! Together..." she noticed Xevius stareing at them. Imediat;y and instintibly she steped in front of her siblings. "Good going..." she mumbbled to herself.
Xevius blinked a few times, staring at the dragon chicks.  "Good going?  What are you trying to tell them?" He asked.  Then, realizing something, he said "Hey, aren't you that chick that doubts my calculations? Three two" he said, and right about then, Oak loudly remarked "I think this guy has a screw loose." Then, a stone dropped from the ceiling of the tunnel, right as Xevius said "One."  Then, Xevius triumphantly proclaimed "Hah!", then continuing to "Anyway, follow me.  Your mother must be worried, I think her name started with a C, right?  Either way, I happen to know of a tunnel that leads directly to the base of the mountain she lives on" and turned around, walking back to the intersection.
Midnight's head shook difiantly. "Well you now what MY calculations are? Your just a dragons who likes to show off because you know you have no streangth and no stamina. You hide in these old caves like a coward, while you sit upon an oarnge tree and wast your life away. You are smart, yet you have to analize everthing so that everyone thinks your a great dragon, but deep down, you know your not. You not strong or quick, you simply use your observaition skills, and deep down, you know that very well." she said, stomping her foot. She could see this dragon's feeling, his thoughts, and even his greatest fears.
Xevius stood there for a moment, stopping in his tracks.  She was right, mroe right than last time.  Suddenly, he noticed something.  After another moment of silence, he said "How the heck did you know about the orange tree?  I never told you about that." and he paused a moment more, before simply walking foward again, leaving the chicks behind.  His inner-self was in turmoil, causing him to not even notice the opposential qualities of two of the chicks, and the way the other one seemed to balance them.  He would have noticed that, if his mind wasn't so shaken up.  He was headed to the center of his maze in the lake, to "Waste his life away" as Midnight put it, to put his thoughts back in order.

Skye looked at her siblings and then Xevius. She spoke to her sister, "Midnight, Something is telling me we have to find Mom or Auntie Malvada..." Skye's intuition was going off like a siren. Skye heard the shadows singing an old song from the human era, she started singing along in dragon,

"Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one"

Skye decided it was her favorite song, she noticed her siblings and Xevius staring and realizing she wasn't panicing like earlier, "Thanks shadows I needed that..." [I love the song and it seemed to fit Skye so here it is, by John Lennon]

Midnight sighed. "Skye, look, if we go back up lightning might find us. And then what? I vote we stay down here and explore." she announced, standing with her feet planted, her eyes locked on Skye.

Lightning nooded at Celestia's dad's words. "Just a sec."

Lightning headed over to the spot where celestia had been hiding, and gave it a sniff. "It seems we had a little rat to spy on us," lightning said coldly.

Celestia's father walked over and gave it a sniff. "Celestia." the words were dead a evil. So evil that any dragon within hearing range was likly to have a heart attack.

Malvadas eyes widened as Lightning and the other male had gone to Celestias hiding place, good thing for her she had left when she did, only now Malvada was under the risk of being caught.  The way the male said the name sent chills through her body, she shuttered at the sound.  She had never met him before, but this other male looked familiar... No, it couldn't be... Celestia's father?  If she was found, she would have to play it cool like she had just gotten there and was only passing through, hopefully Lightning didn't know she was with Celestia on this, and noticed that she smelt like life dragons...

Celestia's mother had a look of pure rage after Celestia had told her. "This time no mercy, your father will die, hopefully with my jaws on his throat and certain parts of him on the ground..." Celestia was almost frightened by her mother there. Her mother looked ready to kill, she was right no mercy this time. Celestia and her mother made a bee line for Coal, his brother was practically rouge. He might want to have a go at Lightning. If Malvada fought it would be as part of the family, which side she was on didn't matter. Lightning wasn't a shadow dragon anymore just a rouge now.

Skye shook her head "Fine but we need to find a safe place first." She was scared of Lightning and she felt like prey around him. Skye was a huntress not prey, she knew she stood little chance of winning then and there, even if she had her siblings. "I hope Mommy and auntie Malvada are ok. Lady Heisei can keep herself and her chicks safe. Kitsune are masters of illusion..." Skye had found harmony with her elements, so long as her elements were around she'd survive. Lightning would trap her and Air along with it's embodyment had to be free. The chains Lightning would bind her in would be worse than death. Skye knew this, her elements had granted her knowledge beyond her years, the shadows know all secrets. Skye knew all secrets and forgotten knowledge...

((Sorry I haven't been on in so long, I've been really busy.)) Xevius started at Skye for a little longer, ignoring the other two, before saying "Hey, that sounded like a human point of veiw...  Ahh!!!  Those horrible things, thwy always assumed someone would drag them out of their slow decline, and look where it got them!  I'm out of here, before you start summoning some phantoms!" then Xevius took a slow run in a random direction, hoping to lose Skye after a few random turns.

Oak had started to get a bit antsy, uncomfortable in all this darkness.  Sure he wanted to explore, but...  "Can we go up?" he pleaded.  "I miss the sun..."


Malvada was still listening in on Lightning and Celestia's fathers conversation after she managed to relax herself.  A low and very quiet hiss managed to find it's way out of her mouth.  She wasn't able to make out a lot of it but was able to get bits and pieces.  Lowering herself farther down to the ground she was able to peek out of a small hole between the leaves and branches of the large bushes and trees she was hidden behind.  She watched carefully but made sure to keep herself well hidden behind the green, brown, and black foliage.

Skye blinked, "He's scared of humans?" The shadows gave her a mental image of a human, small seemingly weak and vulnerable. Skye shook her head, "Heisei turned into a human, they don't look scary..." She looked at Oak, "Open air would be nice." She agreed with her brother this time. She remembered something and said, "Oak since the sun is a star and the moon bounces sunlight back as moonlight... That means night time shouldn't make you uneasy!" Skye giggled for a moment.

Heisei and her kits spent the day looking for the chicks with no luck, she took a break and started over seeing her kits practice illusion by foxfire light. She'd resume her search after she and her kits had rested their paws, all four were seated on the ground.

Celestia and her mother were at the den, they knew Lightning couldn't go after the chicks in the narrower tunnels, and that Heisei would find them. Celestia also knew that this would turn into an all out brawl and against two males as good as rouge they'd need another dragon's help. Celestia hoped Coal would show up, she hadn't had time to explain but she hoped what she had said would be enough to get his aid...

Midnight blew through her lips. "Would you guys just leave it be? Jeeze, your worse than bees when a bear gets into their nest...."


Lightning froze when a hiss hit his ears. He flicked then back and fourth, trying to catch the slightest scent. She spun around so quickly celestia's father backed up, surprised. "Come out come out whereever you are..." he said, looking directly at malvada's hiding place.


Coal breathed in deeply as flew back towards celestia's den, unaware of the danger. He need to thank her for helping whitefire, and that was all there was to it.

Malvada hesitated when Lightning spoke, but slowly she stood up, a vacant expression on her face as she brushed her way past the trees and bushes towards the two males, suddenly becoming aware of the fact, she reaked of the life dragons, she would need a story and fast if they asked her about it... then it came to her, she would live up to the meaning of her name, or sound like she did at least, a small smile krept across her face as she walked up towards Lightning "Ok... you wanted me out here, and here I am." she said rather boldly, as if she had absolutaly no idea what they wanted.

Celestia was conserving her energy and going over a tag team plan with her mother including possibilities if others joined the fray. Celestia's mother might be able to intimidate her former mate into backing down if not she was more than a match for him. Celestia had Lightning's curse in her favor, but it was only enough to put her on par meaning the fight could go ether way. She was hesitant to engage in a fight unless she had to and was sure of victory.

Heisei and the kits resumed their search, the darkness around them broken by fox fire held up by two of Heisei's tails. Tsuki the oldest caught Midnight's trail and led the way. Skye was the first one they saw, the kits wanted to see what the chicks were doing so they hung back while their mother went to Celestia figuring that they were safe since Lightning and Celestia's father had tripped Heisei's wards up wind and over fifteen miles away.

Skye noticed the kits and looked to her sister remarking "Tsuki, Kokuyoseki, and Taiyo are here, Mind if they join us?"

'Till the last stands

A large mountainous range with scattered lakes, and underground tunnel system, dense forests, and barren mountain tops.

You are allowed a maximum of 5 dragons and 1 other creature, and you MUST keep up with them. The creature must be either mythical or a present day animal with special powers. You may have eggs but you can only have as many as you can control OR give them to other players. Keep it PG-13 please.


You are a western dragon in a time of war. The life dragons and shadow dragons fight for the earth. The shadow dragons wish to rule the earth by power and fear, while the Life dragons wish to live in harmony with earth's creatures.


Whitefire and Coal lead the Life dragons. Lightning leads the Shadow dragons. Coal and Lightning are archenemys.

Now, a new hope has sprung up. Chaos is now the problem, and has been turning everyone against each other. Three were born, the embodyments of yin, yang, and karam are now the only thing that stand between chaos. but chaos has begun to hunt them down, to keep things under his controll


You are allowed a maximum of 5 dragons and 1 other creature, and you MUST keep up with them. The creature must be either mythical or a present day animal with special powers. You may have eggs but you can only have as many as you can control OR give them to other players. Keep it PG-13 please.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Mythical creatures
Present day animals
Some dinosaurs, please check with me

Second RP Master

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