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Midnight looked desperatly at yin and yang, wishing to help them but feeling the urdge to punish them. "So... I represent karma?"

"Yes little one." the dragon replied. "You must figure out what has caused the disturbance and fix it. You must go alone." It said sadly.

Midight looked at the dragoin in horror. "What of Oak and skye? Why can't they come?"

"It is up to them to join you but understand this. Your mother MUST leave lightning alone, otherwise EVERYTHING will go out of balance. You must leave her for she can not play a part in you destiny. Now, do what you think is right..." the dragon slowly faded...

Midnight jolted awake, the image of yin and yang fight burned inside her head. "I have to stop mom." she said out loud.

Celestia was about to spring when a roar sounded that made her blow cover eyes wide in the sort of fear that spread. She almost bowled Lightning and her father over. Her mother used that to her advantage and killed one of the males trying to harm her chick. Celestia took cover in a thicket, it was him again. The rouge landed in the clearing, Lightning caught the rouge's eye first then he spotted Celestia again. "Hello sweet little dragoness we meet again..." His head snapped to Lightning again and the other two females. A growl left his throat and Celestia's mother made eye contact with Celestia. Celestia darted to her mother's side and they started making a plan but they'd need a male's help Lightning being the only one around. The rouge had his full attention on Lightning in a stare down.

Skye was in human form Kokuyoseki was showing Skye how to dance both having a blast untill they heard the roar topside that made Skye freeze and she saw her sister. She ran over "I don't think it's safe in fact I know it isn't that was a rouge like mom warned us about Shadows said so..." Taiyo tackled her brother terrified of the strange roar. Kokuyoseki held his little sister still in fox form calming her down...

The full image of yin and yang hit midnight again. "I don't care what the stupid shadows think!"" she snapped angerly. "We have to stop the fight now!" she launched into the air and beat her wings furiously. She soared over the water, anger, hatred, and fear filled her body. She saw the hole in the top and rushed through it, comeing up right between lightning and the rouge. "STOP FIGHTING NOW!" a shock wave ripple from her body and encased eveyones legs and feet in ice. No dragon could escape the ice, and everyone, accept skye and oak, were unable to move.

Lightning's head flared up as the ice incased his legs. he fought seriously to break free but couldn't. He looked around. All the others had suffered the effects. Him, the rouge, celestia, malvada, celestia's mom, the kitsune and even her pups were frozen. He blew fire at the ice at his feet, trieng to melt it.

Midnight's eyes narrowed. "Its no use. It won't break unless i will it to."

Skye looked at her sister's handiwork confused, then looked at the trapped adults and kits. She stared at Lightning for a moment before looking at the rouge who wanted nothing more than to kill her and her siblings. Skye gulped at the rouge and said, "Mom was aiming for the rouge not the Meanie..." was her remark. Then she noticed Kokuyoseki was trapped and tried to free just him, but it was Midnight's ice so she couldn't do it...

Celestia looked at her chicks thoughts clicking into place before whispering to herself "Coal was right..." The rouge was thrashing around trying to get free. Celestia made eye contact with Lightning remarking, "That's the rouge who injured me before... He's got you in the cross hairs and won't stop trying to kill you untill one of you dies. I'd rather deal with you than him. You're going to need help never fight a rouge alone. Truce?" She wasn't expecting Lightning to agree. She was shocked she'd thought clearly. The rouge had to die soon...

Midnight squeled in frustration. "Why does any one have to DIE!?" so much rage filled her that she shook trying to controll it. a voice hit her head. With power come response ability. Treat it with respect. Mid night took a breath and sighed. she looked at the picture clearly. she remembered her mothers wounds and that this rouge had caused it. "Mom, you have to listen to me. Somethings wrong in this world, something's gone out of wack. You must understand the no more suffering needs to happen, even to those who deserve it." she glanced at the rouge.

Lightning's ears flicked. "I'll leave your chicks alone for a short time and let you get your life back in order..." lightning said. "but you must remove the curse on me. And midnight, i think thats your name, you know nothing of life so i would keep my mouth shut if i were you."

Oak looked over the lake of molten rock, strangely able to see through the haze.  He saw a hole going down, from which water welled up and created a small island in the center.  Oak flew over to the island, and decided to dive into the hole.  On the other side, amazingly, was a chilly, pristine lake of water, surrounded by softly glowing crystals. It seemed to be the exact opposite of the lake just overhead.  A stream of water seemed to defy gravity, and flowed up into the lava lake, creating the island from before.  He noticed a volcanic rock in the center of this island, in the center of the anti-gravity stream.  It looked to be the same kind of rock the chamber above was made of.  Perhaps at one time, lava flowed down into here, obying gravity.

Celestia listened to her eldest daughter and answered "Rouges kill every male they find and try to sire chicks by force with every possible female. Lightning is in the rouge's sights meaning the rouge won't stop. They kill any chick that they find as well... Dragons in the far north have specialists who deal with rouges. Your great grandmother brought the practice this far south. Rouges may be a result of the imbalance..." She nodded to Lightning in agreement of the curse removal bit but remarked, "I think they may have to go see the world on their own to get the balance back..." Celestia's mother nodded adding "You two and your brother have helped your aunt heal after what 'He' did... So I am personally grateful for that."

Heisei looked to her kits "Go with them my kits, you're ready. Stay close to the three embodyments of the Kami in case you are needed. Know this you've already made me proud to be your Okaa san." The lady fox had tears in her eyes of both pride and motherly love.

Skye looked at her mother then her sister deciding to stick close to her sister and her fox freind. "Sis you'll need a healer, shadows say so..."

Midnight sighed. "No its not roughs, it has something to do with yin and yang..." here she glanced at skye. "Are you sure you want to come? it will be filled with danger fights, monsters, roughs, and hardship. We will have to learn how to trust each other and how to fend for herself." midnights tail flicked, melting the ice around her grandmother's, lightning's, and the kitsune's legs. "Mom, remove your curse on lightning please. At least he will then leave you alone." she said gently, melting the ice around her mother's legs.


Lightning gave midnight a respectful, yet forced, snort. "Yes celestia, i'll leave you alone."

Celestia put a paw on the mark and her paw glowed blue and red fire and ice, the mark faded from Lightning. She glared at the rouge who still gave her nightmares. He smirked at her and growled at Lightning. Celestia cringed bolting back to her own mother's side. The rouge laughed at this then started growling at Lightning again. Celestia knew rouges were stupid but this one was pushing the bar. She had talked openly about killing him and he was focused on Lightning...

Skye looked at Kokuyoseki who nodded and she said "We're in sis." Tsuki looked at Midnight and said "Me too I can carry my weight and pick up the slack for my brother..." Skye looked in the hole and said "Hope Oak and Taiyo come too..."

Suddenly, snapped out of his musings, Oak remembered that kitsune kit and wondered if it had followed him.  He flew out of the hole, and went back out over the entrance, seeing them gone.  He followed their scent, that being one of the things dragon's could do.  He found them, and, one way or another, they had found a hoel leading to everyone else!  How did that happen?  Oak climbed out and said quickly "Hey come look at this it's cool" and dove back into the tunnels, hoping he could find the lakes again.  Something smelled sulfurous, that was a good sign. 

Skye's nose wrinkled "You smell bad Oak you playing with rotten eggs?" Taiyo was trailing after Oak and said "No it's not bad egg it's sulfur..." Skye nodded "Ok..." She looked at her brother and took her human form saying look what Kokuyoseki showed me how to do!" She showed her wings and spread them wide revealing a comicaly large pair of wings. Skye added, "Please don't leave Taiyo behind like you did, she follows you around and she might get lost or something..." Back to dragon form and Taiyo ran up and jabbed Skye with a paw just to get on the dragon's nerves. Didn't work just got an eye roll from Skye. Taiyo bowed to Oak saying "Show me how to annoy her please?" Skye just sighed and asked "You comming with us? Midnight says there'll be danger, fights, monsters, rouges, and hardship. wind and shadows agree with her on that part..."

Celestia was glaring at the rouge stalking closer while he was glaring at Lightning. Celestia's mother was circling around to the rouge's left for an assult from two sides three if Lightning joined in. Celestia's teeth were not intended for scales but there was plenty of power behind them and they were strong enough to go for the throat. Throat bite and back of neck bite at the same time with enough force would snap the neck cleanly. An additional frontal assault would keep his attention on Lightning untill it was too late. 

"Sure, whatever.  But first, come look at this!" Oak said, running back and forth between the fading sulfur scent and the others.  He then told Taiyo "Just say something intelligent.  There's nothing that bugs Skye more; she thinks she's the smartest.  Now, get them to come!  Please, you saw the lava lake, right?"  Oak asked, getting more than a bit anxious.  He continued running back and forth, waiting for the others to come.  ((You know, it doesn't really seem like Skye should be more excited about learing, since she should be calm.  She shouldn't really be excited about anything.  Or are those just little traits inherited from Celesita?))

Midnight rolled her eyes and couldn't help but think of yang. He had been explosive and fiery, but yin had been calm. I'll never see them the same now she tought.

"Lets go." she said swating Oak on the nose. "Maby you'll get some of the energy out." she decided that she would tell them tonight.

As she began to fallow oak she felt light paws on her back. She turned to see one of the kitsune kits on her back, looking at her with big scarlet eyes. "I'm Tsuki." she said, her siver fur glinting even in the dim light.

"Nice to meet you." midnight said plafully, touching noses with Tsuki.

Skye started after her brother Kokuyoseki right on her heels. She when she had just hatched would have been bothered by her brother's antics. But she'd mellowed out already going with the flow. Being a smaller dragon meant she matured a little faster than her brother who was going to be massive. Mid size like her sister actually matured mentaly fastest. Skye was going to be possibly as small as Xevius.  All chicks hatch the size of their egg so size had to be grown into. Skye's delicate structure was becoming more and more visible by the day. Kokuyoseki was growing into a lean but strong fox too. They had an adventure ahead of them but if they stuck together they'd be fine...

Celestia and her mother moved in unison snapping the rouge's neck cleanly. Working as a team they did something they could not do alone. Lightning had the most dangerous part even with the rouge restrained by the strange ice. Celestia remarked "You make good rouge distraction Lightning. Might be because you're not related to my mother and I..." Then she walked off with Heisei and her mother.

As they ran down the tunnels, Oak made sudden twists and turns, sometimes losing the others in his speed.  When he did lose them, he impatiently ran back.  At last, they were at the lava chamber.  Oak looked back to the mouth of the lava cave and realized that the others were at the back of a long tunnel, and showed no signs of speeding up.  He ran around in circles for a moment, and sat down like a dog, his tail hitting the ground rapidly.  He also looked around impatiently, glancing at a single area for only a few seconds.  Oak didn't know this, but obviously, yang was getting to his personality.

'Till the last stands

A large mountainous range with scattered lakes, and underground tunnel system, dense forests, and barren mountain tops.

You are allowed a maximum of 5 dragons and 1 other creature, and you MUST keep up with them. The creature must be either mythical or a present day animal with special powers. You may have eggs but you can only have as many as you can control OR give them to other players. Keep it PG-13 please.


You are a western dragon in a time of war. The life dragons and shadow dragons fight for the earth. The shadow dragons wish to rule the earth by power and fear, while the Life dragons wish to live in harmony with earth's creatures.


Whitefire and Coal lead the Life dragons. Lightning leads the Shadow dragons. Coal and Lightning are archenemys.

Now, a new hope has sprung up. Chaos is now the problem, and has been turning everyone against each other. Three were born, the embodyments of yin, yang, and karam are now the only thing that stand between chaos. but chaos has begun to hunt them down, to keep things under his controll


You are allowed a maximum of 5 dragons and 1 other creature, and you MUST keep up with them. The creature must be either mythical or a present day animal with special powers. You may have eggs but you can only have as many as you can control OR give them to other players. Keep it PG-13 please.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Mythical creatures
Present day animals
Some dinosaurs, please check with me

Second RP Master

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