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Skye looked at the relatives then at her mother "Mommy mabye there are too many of us..." Celestia's aunt heard it and apparently decided to leave, Celestia's brother had stayed too long, Celestia's mother nuzzled her daughter "Be careful I have to go back, before someone moves into my lair..." Celestia's cousin left with the sister and both their chicks. Now it was just Malvada Celestia and Heisei. Skye scurried inside and Celestia started filling the barely began den in. Thunder roared and the rain fell harder forcing Celestia to stop filling the hole and go inside the den to wait the storm out silently. Celestia spotted a hulking mass making a bee line for the pond and sinking into it barely submerged. The rain was turning the barely dug den into a bigger pond that the strange reptile from earlier would have found suitible to take refuge in. Celestia stared up into the sky watching the lightning flash and feeling the ground vibrate with the thunder's roar. Skye went beside her mother staring at the sky but she was listening to what the rain was telling her. Celestia didn't care what Whitefire and Coal did as long as they left her brood Malvada and the kitsune alone. They'd be fools to go after some of the few dragons able to face rouges. Celestia was scared of Lightning now... She wasn't a warrior she was a hunter, unless she got the jump on him or fully activated the curse she'd stand no chance against Lightning. Without the rest of the family she was more scared of Lightning than a rouge. A rouge would kill her chicks quickly but Lightning would turn them into monsters slowly. Weapons not dragons just things for him to use for his own ends worse than death. Celestia knew all she could do was wait for his next move, and hope she'd keep her chicks from him.

Whitefire turned to go. "We gave them advice. Its up to them to take it." she launced into the air but fell with a huff of pain . Coal freaked. "Whats wrong??????!!!" she asked.

Whitefire huffed. "Get me to celestia right now." coal obayed. Slowly they reached celestia's den. "Celestia help! I'm in labor, in the middle of a storm and uit WAY to early. Somethings not right." Whitefire stood there praying to yin and yang that celestia would help them, and that they would be safe. Coal sniffed her from head to tail. "Something doesn't smell right..." he said in a low flat tone."

Malvada raised her head looking out of the den at the thundering and lightning rain storm.  It was definatly billowing harder than it was before, but for some odd reason, it calmed her down.  She looked over at Celestia before watching out the den again, she sat at the enterance looking out, the wind hissed by in loud shrieks and Malvada closed her eyes in a very slow blink  taking in a deep breath of the rain freshend air before exhaling and opening her eyes again and then turning back, walking once again into the far back of the den.
Celestia saw Whitefire in pain and heard what was wrong "Coal let's get her inside... and if you pick a fight with my student you'll be forcibly removed from my den one way or another. I offered to teach any female dragon since I don't know the male skill set and she's the only one who showed... Whitefire was there when I first made the offer. We have to get along, not all shadow dragons are with Lightning." Celestia got Whitefire inside and turned to Heisei "Mind conjuring fox fire, I don't have a smoke vent..." Heisei conjured a blue flame that was brighter than a normal flame and gave off little heat. Celestia felt Whitefire's throat getting a temprature from it. Celestia checked Whitefire over trying to figure out if it was false labor or if something was indeed wrong. First time fathers often mistook the normal scent change as something wrong. Celestia actually loooked over at Skye and asked "Is the Rain saying anything about this Skye?" Celestia had noticed her daughter already an intuitive healer took on the pains of others furthuring her ability to heal by feeling what was wrong. Skye walked outside and sat down talking with the voices only she could hear, shadows seemed to thicken around the chick swirling around taking a vauge shape whispering in the chick's ear. Skye came back inside and made her way to Whitefire with a figure of rain and a figure of shadows, The shadow dissapated and the rain went back outside. Skye's eyes glowed as she put a paw on the older dragon's belly calming the pain. "Mommy she's all better now." Celestia praised her daughter and looked at the other two asleep, If Skye could do what she'd been doing who knew what they could do...
Coal gave a sideways glance a malvada and growled though made no move to attack her. "You think I'm going to attack a dragon while my mates in danger?" he asked accusingly. A small spark of his brother lightning showed. It was the anger of being falsely accused and underestimated. He looked at skye. "What was wrong woth her?" he demanded. Whatever the little one had done had put whitefire at ease and she was now sleeping. her belly was no longer swollen and coal was really confused. The scent was gone but whitefire no longer showed any signs she was carrying.
Celestia remarked, "Sometimes they develop too fast which can kill both mother and chicks. The normal procedure is to as rotten as this sounds abort the clutch all the chicks would be stillborn and never hatch... My daughter just turned back the timer giving the clutch a chance to develop normaly. I've heard of human magic users of great power pulling this stunt, one of them was part fairy Merlin I think... If turned back the clutch will usually develop properly." Celestia kept her eye on Coal and added "I rarely trust males outside my family. I did watch my cousin murdered by her own father, for being small in stature like my Skye is. Honestly the only reason I'm called a life dragon is the fact I'm not power hungry. I tend to value knowledge over brute force. I have a full education, I have alot to teach my chicks and Malvada, my offer to teach Whitefire so long as she doesn't start anything with Malvada or try to influence my chicks to the life side. They will chose if they even take a side, for themselves." Celestia's eyes narrowed in warning "I already cursed Lightning I just don't have the energy to fully activate it yet, if you pose a threat I'll do it to you. I've had enough of others trying to get at my chicks." The look in Celestia's eyes showed her grim determination to keep her family safe. Coal could make no mistake as to her intentions, protect her family. Not after them then Celestia had no issue with them... 
Malvada rolled her eyes as Coal growled towards her, if she had any fear of him and Whitefire, which she did, she was hiding it very well, it was almost spooky from a certain point of view.  She had remained away from the other dragons sitting on her own but was watching intently in the distance, as the group swarmed around Whitefire with worry.  She had lost any ounce of expression on her face and had blank eyes knowing she would be basically useless with this sort of thing anyways.  After it had gone on for some time, there was a drop of worry in her eyes.

Coal shook his head. "You dont understand, do you. The war was started because of yin and yang. The dragons thought yin and yang were dieing, and maby they are, but they took sides to defend which should survive. The life dragons took yang. Calm and misterious. Sky and night, smooth and refelective, thats usually how life dragons are, and your chick there," he nodded at skye,"seems to be just that.

"The shadow dragons are yin. Firery and explosive, unforgiveing and fast, sun and day, the true shadow dragon is just that. Oak is that exactly." he shook his head. "But lightning... something went wrong in him and I'm not sure what. He my be my blood brother but he is no family to me. He seems to think that yin and yang were powerless from the begining and doesn't give a hoot about right or wrong. Thats what ended the human race." he concluded

Oak ate the food, and looked around noticing a huge thing colapse just in the trees outside of the clearing.  He looked at it for a moment, then about to approach it, though better of that decision, since his mother would probably somehow stop him.  That happened a lot.  He ran inside and yelled "Mom, mom, something HUGE just fell over!  Come see!" and dashed back outside.  He took another look at the thing, and saw that it had a real long neck, what looked like fins, and it was electric blue.  Weird.  Oak wondered how much longer it could keep breathing for, from here the breath looked pretty strained.
Celestia shook her head "The humans fell from power but they're still around, They lost touch with the forces of nature... Some dragons consider them a threat still. They pushed many plants and animals to extinction... Others work beside the humans. You might consider the fact I associate with both sides treason. But it's not it's peace. Lightning isn't even a dragon to me... any dragon who would hurt a chick is as bad as a rouge. My aunt still wants to rip him apart. I'm all for letting her. I've seen Lightning's sort before, the male who killed my cousin who my Skye is named after. It's that monster over again. My mother and aunt tore him apart for it..." Celestia looked outside again, "So the only one you're really against is Lightning... Let my aunt have a go at him it may help her heart heal by preventing what happened to my cousin from happening to another." Celestia's aunt was mentally stable for the most part, but when it came to dragons like Lightning she was downright sadistic. Skye stirred in her sleep cuddling into the kit Tsuki more. Celestia had a few tricks up her proverbial sleeve. Heisei had shown her human form. "I know how to take a human form, the lady kitsune Heisei showed me how... Never too old to learn something new... Might come in handy some day." Celestia saw Neck and tilted her head "That weird thing again? A human might know what it is but I don't..." Skye woke up as the storm cleared and followed her brother, Celestia had to chase after them. Skye was actually helping Neck to the almost den now turning into a large pond. "Look Mommy a water animal." Skye was happily chatting with Neck about random things. Skye watched him sliding into the water not enough for him to go under. Skye was channeling water to fix that. Celestia kept an eye on Coal still a bit wary of him...
Neck, chatting with Skye, said "I went crazy down in that cave.  Of course, I suppose I already am sort of crazy, so would a crazy person going insane actually be going sane?  And what is sanity, anyway?  Is it a majority rules kind of thing, or is it actually grounded into reality by some firm definition?  If most people were insane, would that make insane people sane, because society was based off of insanity?  Whos to say that everyones not insane?  I guess I'm kind of rambling on now, aren't I?" Neck then nodded at SKyes water powers, as if they were nothing he hadn't seen before.  "Ah." he said.  "You're one of those reincarnations of...  Uh..  I think they start with a Y, but anyway, they pop up every few thousand years." 
Coal hissed in frustriation. He was tempted to pin celestia to the ground but thoough better of it. "You still don't understand! Lightning is not what coused the war its yin and yang themselves! The whole world has strated fight because of the dragons! Even the trees, water, earth, and blades of grass fight! With lightnig gone nothing will change. I'm NOT blind! You chicks are the ones of the prophicy. The are yin and yang them selves or darn near close!" he slamed the ground. "If others find that out they will start to corrupt them to turn against each other, as well as try to kill the one thats not on there side!" coal pased back and fourth. "The last chick is differant. I have no idea what she is but she is not yin nor yang. you have to keep these chicks safe for the sake of this miserable little planet! And you protecting them does not accomplish anything! I hate to say this but you have to turn them out into the world and let them figure it out for themselves. They need to learn to deprnd on each other and you cannot iterfear! Everyday the grow more adveturus, you must let the leave and go out into the word so the can do what they were born to do." he held his posture, but was ready to embrace an attack from celestia because he said that.
Malvada let out a loud and angry roar as she charged towards Coal from the rear of the den at his words, weaving past the others and quickly she was up in his face, her piercing green eyes were now a bright bloody red which usually only happens when she was angry enough, and she was, she was about ready to tear right through him. "COAL! I have heard just about enough out of you, about Yin and Yang, Lightning, and this bloody war!  Even if the war is not Lightnings fault, if it truely is Yin and Yangs, you have no right to yell and growl towards Celestia, she had absolutaly nothing to do with it, what's done is done, and neither her nor any other God dang dragon on this world can change it alone!  If those chicks were left unguarded even for just a moment, the worst damage possible could happen in a split second, I may never of had chicks to raise on my own, but Celestia has been a better mother towards them than any female I know, and I doubt your 'let them fend for themselves' theory would have them killed or picked up by Lightning and distroy the world itself!" she was in a rage and staring him down in the eyes even though he was larger than her, that didn't seem to matter at the time.
Unbeknownst to Celestia, or anyone else for that matter, Oak had scampered off before Coal even started his speech about Yin, Yang, and fending for themselves.  The confused look on his mother's face when she saw the water creature proved that she didn't know everything in the world, and Oak was planning to see everything in the world, and if he was going to do that, he'd better start young.  He briefly wondered if he should invite his sisters, and snuck back right behind Midnihgt and whispered "Hey!  Want to sneak off?  Go ask Skye for me, to." ((Problem solved!))
Celestia glared "As Malvada pointed out leaving them to their own devices will do more harm than good. Besides I have too much to teach them." Celestia wanted to wake up Whitefire so she could drag her mate off. "Coal you won't stop me, you were raised with the 'feel no pain' and 'emotions are weakness' ideology. I was taught that pain and emotions let you know you're alive. I have to teach them about things like 'what herb is good for digestion, and when there's a drought where can I find water. You fail to understand that I can't leave them to their own devices yet."  Skye overheard her brother and sister and giggled, "I have a game we can play, tree hopping." Skye scurried up a tree and started gliding from branch to branch.  A smart way to keep a ground tracker off their trails...

'Till the last stands

A large mountainous range with scattered lakes, and underground tunnel system, dense forests, and barren mountain tops.

You are allowed a maximum of 5 dragons and 1 other creature, and you MUST keep up with them. The creature must be either mythical or a present day animal with special powers. You may have eggs but you can only have as many as you can control OR give them to other players. Keep it PG-13 please.


You are a western dragon in a time of war. The life dragons and shadow dragons fight for the earth. The shadow dragons wish to rule the earth by power and fear, while the Life dragons wish to live in harmony with earth's creatures.


Whitefire and Coal lead the Life dragons. Lightning leads the Shadow dragons. Coal and Lightning are archenemys.

Now, a new hope has sprung up. Chaos is now the problem, and has been turning everyone against each other. Three were born, the embodyments of yin, yang, and karam are now the only thing that stand between chaos. but chaos has begun to hunt them down, to keep things under his controll


You are allowed a maximum of 5 dragons and 1 other creature, and you MUST keep up with them. The creature must be either mythical or a present day animal with special powers. You may have eggs but you can only have as many as you can control OR give them to other players. Keep it PG-13 please.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Mythical creatures
Present day animals
Some dinosaurs, please check with me

Second RP Master

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