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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Oak snorted, and said "Sure, the more the merrier, right?  Hey, the louder the better, I say." then he paused for a moment and said "About the night, it's not the night itself that bugs me, it's just that it's so...  Dark.  And quiet.  And overall, the effect makes me uneasy.  Rather like these tunnels, don't you think?  That's why I say we get out of here." He then noisily started a game of tag with the kits and the other two chicks, scampering down the tunnel, searching for a way out, yet, inevitably getting more lost than before.  Afterall, these tunnels spanned for miles.  ((I figured out how the tunnels formed.  Aks me in a message or the OOC chat if you want to know))

Skye rolled her eyes, shadows remarked "He'll never last on his own. He'd scare his food away..." One of the kits Kokuyoseki had apparently not joined his siblings, "Hey Skye look at what my okaa san showed me how to do." He sat down and held his paw out pad up and conjured fox fire then taking a human form he still had the ears and tail though and making more fire and juggling it making Skye giggle. She asked "Think you can show me how to turn into a human too later?" Two of the fox fires faded, "I can try, Okaa san said that western dragons have almost forgotten how to do it." Skye tilted her head "What's that baggy stuff you have covering you?" The fox child remarked "Clothes, apparently humans lack fur or scales and need something to keep their body temprature right." Skye faced the way both their siblings went, "Better go after them Oak is bound to cause problems and make too much noise for his own safety..." "So will Taiyo, she won't listen to Tsuki for some reason..." "Siblings go figure..."

Celestia saw Heisei walking back, she asked the fox "Where are the chicks both of ours?" "Safe fifteen miles away down wind, I set wards to track them and the kits." Celestia breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, now we need a plan to deal with the menacing males who want to subdugate everything." "A threat to everyone." The kitsune understood the situation fully. Celestia heard a howl and saw Heisei freeze. All three heads snapped in that direction as the sound of paws got closer. Once it got too close to be normal wolves Heisei got behind Celestia just to be safe. A wolf jet black with grey markings came forward, it was clear it was the alpha male and he could walk upright a female followed him with two pups twins in her arms. Since they were too young to go anywhere near a fight or hunt, Heisei showed herself all four tails showing. Celestia looked at the apparent were wolves, with a 'what do you want.' The female classic grey fur set her pups one white the other black. She spoke "We brought our pups as good faith, the yellow dragon is starting to worry my mate and myself." Her mate continued "As the territory owner among dragons, the pack leader you have yet to reprimand him..." Celestia shot back "He's allied with my own father planning to kill me so he can control my three chicks the prophicised three." Both weres gaped at Celestia. Celestia continued "Dragons live differently but that is unacceptable behavior among the maternal side of my family. A death worthy offense, he's too powerful for me to garuntee my victory." The male wolf said "Where's your mate?" Celestia replied "My aunt's mate killed my cousin and my mother drove my father off once I didn't want a mate around. Nomad one night stand suited me." Celestia's mother snarled, "My former mate will regret his action no mercy for threatening his own chicks." Both wolves actually nodded in aprooval. But they left soon after to do who knows what.

Midnight rolled her eyes. "IF we are said yin, yang, and whatever i resemble, we need to deal with somethings. now i smell something comeing from that tunnle" here she nodded "and it smells like melted rock, fire, sulfer, and other things. I think its lava. I'm all for that direction." she turned to the kit that had become human-ish formed. "Well turn back into a fox, that is plan creepy to me." she added.


Lightning hissed at malvada. "You smell like the pipsquke celestia and her chicks." lightning accused. "I beleave i sense a betrayal."

Celestia's father also nodded. "So do I."

Skye huffed "It's cool to me..." Kokuyoseki resumed fox form remarking "You're no fun..." Tsuki butted in "Enough Kokuyoseki, humans are dumb. Why you are so curious about them is beyond me." Skye shook her head "Leave him alone Tsuki..." Skye stared seeing a glow ahead she didn't like it too much, hot dry and too bright. It would put her sensory abilities down and the heat would dry her scales out. High moisture scales that could crack and be painful for her. "Sis the heat could hurt me..." She looked unhappy and continued "I won't go close to it if I don't have to... Oak can go swimming in it but I can't..."
Malvada started a small laugh "Why my dear gentalmen, why in the name of yin and yang would I ever betray what I view as family? What you sence is an age old battle that has been going on between the Life and Shadow Dragons for as long as I have been able to remember.  I have no reason to join the Life Dragons, and the apparent scent I have of them came from a meer um what's the word...? Oh as a formal dragon would put it, a small tussle over territories.  So as far as betraying my fellow Shadow Dragons, I wouldn't dream of it and am completly astounded at the fact you believe I would."  it was a flat out lie, but a very believable one, and in attempt to just confuse them with the larger words she used.
Neck looked around, and sighed.  Being the only sentient water creature was a lonely existence.  He sat there completely motionless for a few moments, when he heard a cracking noise, and the sound of trickling water.  He looked down, and discovered that the weight of him and the water in the artificial lake, not to mentioan how damp the rpeviously dry soil was, was causing the rook of the tunnels below him to break!  Suddenly, the it all cracked at once, and let loose a subterranean flood which dominated a large section of tunnel, but constantly moved down.  Neck struggled to keep within the rushing water.
Skye heard the sound of a tunnel breaking and saw Neck flop through a hole in the roof. Skye ran up to him and the shadows told her of a lake in a crater that wasn't too far and ran ahead yelling "Come on Mr. Neck I know where there's some water!"  Kokuyoseki ran after Skye, he was turning into her wing fox. Skye was getting attached to him and Kokuyoseki considered Skye his best friend. Taiyo was chattering at Oak, while the eldest kit was silent beside Midnight looking at the directions their siblings went for a moment before asking "Think we should go after them before they get lost? I'd go after Skye and my dumb brother since my sister listens to him, but she might listen to you..."

Midnight was taken by surprise at the question. "Personally I think they are capable of makeing their own desicions. I dont think skye will get lost anyways but feel free to fallow them if you want to." she said kindly and quitely.

Uncertanty flashed into lightnings eyes. "Your terittory is on the oppisiteside of celestia's. Why are YOU all the way over here. There are no scent marks." he said carefully. He didn't trust anyone but he didn't think she would betray him but...

"Didn't you go after celestia when she cursed me?" it had hit him like a freight train. He then began to study malvada carefully.

Malvada looked him over and let out a sigh "Think what you wish, I don't have any reason to betray my side and join the others, I was over powered and so I ran, but away from my territory instead of towards it, and that is how I ended up here.  I did follow after the she dragon, only out of curiousity however, nothing serious.  Why do you think I am no longer with her now and there was a territory issue? Certainly not because I'm on her side over all of this." she replied seriously to his questions and kept a straight face, her eyes focused on him.

Lightning's eyes narrowed. Looking for any trace of a lie. "That is good to know you are a very valuable ally. Now that that is all figured out you can help us get rid of Celestia for good and take the chicks. It will be much easier with the three of us."

Celestia's dad nodded. "I'v been spying a bit and I noticed a kitsune. I'm sure she will be no problem to deal with but she had pups and they can be valuable to us as well."

Lightning smiled. "They will make PERFECT little spies. Malvada, whats your attack plan?" lighting asked her.  

Celestia her mother and Heisei were going over another battle plan Heisei had made some sort of energy concotion and they were drinking it. The concoction smelled and tasted bad but not inedible. Heisei had spoken to an older kitsune about the situation, said fox had gone over Heisei's wards and completely masked the den to the point that only freindly creatures could find the place and see the barrier. Celestia and her mother were considering taking the fight to Lightning if Coal came the odds were in their favor. Celestia planned to activate the curse that would render him sterile and unable to get close to any chick.

Skye and Kokuyoseki got Neck to the crater lake and it was large enough for him. Skye and Kokuyoseki then started practicing their abilities and showing each other a few tricks. Skye got human form quickly with blue hair and her same eyes she could be recognized by family and foxes but she found out she was clothed already. She looked for all the world like a princess with a circlet on her brow made of silver set with opals and pearls of many colors. Her back was left bare but her tail was underneeth the dress giving her some stability. She looked at her hands still tipped in claws. She tried something and her wings showed themselves and she beat them taking her three foot tall body six feet into the air. Kokuyoseki was laughing and fell over, the pair were entertaining to watch to say the least. Tsuki came stomping into the crater and started scolding her brother for 'teaching Skye something stupid' but Skye chucked some mud at her before resuming dragon form, this had them both on the ground water side laughing... 

A odd feeling suddenly shivered over Midnight. Her eyes became un-focused and glazed before she passed out on the floor.

Midnight was on a plane with a storm raging around her. She blinked as two dragons, one completely white with black wings, the other completely black with white wings and a galaxy swirled behind them. A light suddenly lit up in a bright flash and as sudden as the flash, a dragon was standing next to midnight. She body rippled like water, and she looked as if made from the galaxy. "Little one, beware, your world is going to be turned upside down. Yin and yang have become unbalanced and so has the world in which they created."

Midnight watched the two dragons, watching yin and yang themselves. "Nothing appears wrong..." as she spoke yang lit on fire and yin became water. They lashed out at each other causing horrible wounds. Suddenly the both fell motionless on the ground. Yin rose first and roared in triumph at her twin. "Whats wrong with them?!? They are supposed to be equal!" Midnight gasped.

The dragon nodded. "But karma has grown weak. More and more have begun to kill instead of help and so I am forced to punish instead of reward. As I punish them, yin and yang falter in their peace and I must punish them as well in a last attempt we three

Midnight's body lay motionless in the cave, scarcely breathing.

Oak had snuck off, and he was pretty sure that that one kitsune kit had followed him, but he wasn't sure.  He had followed the glowing tunnel to a huge cavern, filled primarily by a pool of molten rock.  How did he know this?  He wasn't sure, but it seemed to him as if the pool told him what it was.  It also told that he shouldn't touch it, at least not for a while at least.  Oak took off over the pool, flying right to the ceiling of the cavern, not really caring for the moment if the kitsune was there.  He landed on a ledge way on the other side of the burning lake.

Tsuki left the pair alone after the mud and went back into the tunnel to clean herself off. Skye stared at the now night time sky. She was getting hungry a rustling in some plants around the lake caught her attention, rabbits. There was a warren here that must have been trapped here and found enough food. She instinctively got low and crept closer She pounced nabbing it and then repeated it two more times. She and Kokuyoseki ate one and waved to Neck and delivering the rabbits to her sister being unable to give Oak his, opted to entrust it to her sister to give it to Oak and Taiyo. Skye was a provider with her around they could explore untill they outgrew rabbits.

Celestia her mother and Heisei decided to strike during the night using the darkness to aid them in ambush. Celestia spotted Malvada talking to Lightning and her father going over a plan doomed to fail possibly leading them on. Celestia and her mother got into their positions Heisei was ready to cause chaos for Lightning and Celestia's father, all she had to do now was wait for the signal.

'Till the last stands

A large mountainous range with scattered lakes, and underground tunnel system, dense forests, and barren mountain tops.

You are allowed a maximum of 5 dragons and 1 other creature, and you MUST keep up with them. The creature must be either mythical or a present day animal with special powers. You may have eggs but you can only have as many as you can control OR give them to other players. Keep it PG-13 please.


You are a western dragon in a time of war. The life dragons and shadow dragons fight for the earth. The shadow dragons wish to rule the earth by power and fear, while the Life dragons wish to live in harmony with earth's creatures.


Whitefire and Coal lead the Life dragons. Lightning leads the Shadow dragons. Coal and Lightning are archenemys.

Now, a new hope has sprung up. Chaos is now the problem, and has been turning everyone against each other. Three were born, the embodyments of yin, yang, and karam are now the only thing that stand between chaos. but chaos has begun to hunt them down, to keep things under his controll


You are allowed a maximum of 5 dragons and 1 other creature, and you MUST keep up with them. The creature must be either mythical or a present day animal with special powers. You may have eggs but you can only have as many as you can control OR give them to other players. Keep it PG-13 please.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Mythical creatures
Present day animals
Some dinosaurs, please check with me

Second RP Master

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