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Dino Egg's Pedigree

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Dino Parents Grand-Parents Great
Dino Egg The Ol' Scooter Bb 5/6 Oil [★, Bb, Jj, 6/6] Its sweatty in here MintyFresh
Harlequin Tiger-[P]
Acrylics [★, Bb, 6/6]
Pele - bb-Gg-Jj
Blue Scooter GP 4/6
Nahima's Charming Scooter Oo 6/6 Str
Charming 6/6 GP 800+ stats
Nahima 5/6 JjOo Str
Mystical Blue 4/6 OoVv Int
Pinto Bean
Creamsickle 4/6 P (AGP) [Oo]
Once Mystical GP 6/6 (-C/CP) Oceth
Astral [Bb, Gg, 6/6] Deep Space [★, Oo, Gg, Jj, 4/6]
Acrylics [★, Bb, 6/6]
(GP) Mecath
Son of Greece (aka Kaydyn, Mate: Kelly) [Brown Eyes, GP, 5/6 perfects]
At The Gates (aka Kelly, Mate: Kaydyn) [Black Eyes, GP, 6/6 perfects]
Mystical Land 5/6 Oo
Swamp Land 5/6 Tt Int
Swamp Fog
Woodland Tt
Mystical Blue 4/6 OoVv Int
Pinto Bean
Creamsickle 4/6 P (AGP) [Oo]