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Broken Wings [GP, 5P] *Blue Eyes (Ee ee EE)*'s Pedigree

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Dino Parents Grand-Parents Great
Broken Wings [GP, 5P] *Blue Eyes (Ee ee EE)*
Thor [GP, 5P] *Blue Eyes*
☩☩Cinder{GP} Acheni[Vv]
*Midnight (A)
Chenoah (A) [GP] Elder
Valhalla [Ss]
Epic Fail
Monza Husky
Rapunzel [AGP, P]
Oi Oi Oi [GP, 5P]
Calypso [GP, P]
Cotton Candy*
[GP|P] Nerret
[R] Tidal Wave
Arctic Sprinkeles
Princess perfect and imma better than youuu will ever be
Mystic River*
Dusty Rose*
Vanilla [NGP, 5/6 P,+]
Speckled Star (NGP,P,+)
Nordic Waters * [C]