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Viewing Offspring for Davion
PolishingDino Egg[Spd] Aeariel[Str] SabarielThomas SplainLochmara Bossanova (Allo)Blue Wine (Allo)Jealousy [Ii, Jj, Ss, 6/6]Mirage [★, Ii, Jj, Rr, Ss, 6/6]Luna [Ii, Rr, 6/6]Burgundy [Rr, Ss, 6/6]Dino EggDino EggDino EggDino EggDino EggRip RoarJaleh[RETIRED] (AGP | 5/6) Science Blue Diesel | Moonshine Black Orchid (Rr, vv)Shipwreck[Allo] BBGGiiJJOoRrssttVv [p.p.p.p.p.p][Allo] BBGGiiJJOoRRssttVV [p.p.p.p.p.p]Kerin [Rr, Vv, 6/6]Davion Jr. [Rr, 6/6]