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Exhibited Press - Comments

Page Revamps
Posted by Kitty (#1) on 4th Feb 2011
Messages and user pages got a revamp today. :D

That's all for now! :D
By Zeya (#2809) on 04-02-2011 13:26:30
I love the updates. :D
By Alu (#3527) on 04-02-2011 13:27:12
Awesome! ^^ I saw the messages but not the other updates! Sweet. ^^
By New User (#654) on 04-02-2011 13:29:29
Lovely job! Everything looks much neater, especially the messages. Thank you! ^^
By Shaman (#5979) on 04-02-2011 13:37:33
*is proud*

They look great all integrated and such
By Mod Bob the Dragon - not a robot (#643) on 04-02-2011 14:09:27
I can see my paaage~!
Also, been noticing and admiring the dotted lines. They're super snaz
By Sai (#204) on 04-02-2011 14:56:31
Nice! I approve ^^
By Bakura (#738) on 04-02-2011 15:02:08
By New User (#3805) on 04-02-2011 15:23:12
Wow!So cool!Thanks kitty:3Hugs kitty*yay!*
By Belezza (#30) on 04-02-2011 16:28:47
The new updates are amazing Kitty! You're such a wonderful admin. No wonder I can't seem to pry myself away from Ex.
By Free Spirit (#137) on 04-02-2011 17:21:44
its awsome i love it :)
By Buzzbee (#3657) on 05-02-2011 05:34:26
Ive got a message that is unread,I cant find it because of the revamp
By sassy (#158) on 05-02-2011 08:59:21
I like it,though it's kind of hard for me to find certain sent messages now though.
And if there any folder place to save certain messages? It's a bit important for me to have that and I can't seem to find it anywhere :c