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Exhibited Press - Comments

Posted by Kitty (#1) on 20th Dec 2010
I went away for the weekend to my parents house and came back today to a) a TON of snow, b) a TON of entries and c) a TON of bugs (nailed most of 'em!). LOL

I've added all the entries up to the contest entries list and today, I'll be working on all the bugs. Don't worry, I'm back now. :P

By Kitei (#5) on 20-12-2010 03:47:04
Mwah~ < 3
By New User (#1293) on 20-12-2010 07:59:28
thats cool u hang out with family and best of luck with everything
By Bakura (#738) on 20-12-2010 08:29:27
By Star (#1753) on 20-12-2010 09:53:52
Welcome back!
By Unwritten Side Acc (#4559) on 20-12-2010 15:26:09
Exhibited has 300 Facebook fans! :D ~ -Cheers-
By NeoChaoticProxy (#1051) on 24-12-2010 06:44:20
dont forget to fix my negative(a.k.a. glitched) money!!!!!
(i spend my family time always!!!)
By New User (#4835) on 24-12-2010 11:15:37
that's awesome welcome back!
By New User (#3805) on 04-01-2011 15:28:54
welcome back