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Exhibited Press - Comments

Posted by Kitty (#1) on 16th Dec 2010
YES, It's snowing AGAIN here in the UK!! And...

On Exhibited too!!

That's right. ;D Snow is falling every 15 minutes on player's farms (if they have logged in today!) and you can harvest these snow pieces to roll together to make snowballs! We're having a snowball fight here on Exhibited, so get making them snowballs!

There is also a winter art and winter writing competition going on where the winner will be able to win 40 scales and a mystery egg!

Read more here. Have fun everyone!

Edit: Sorry, but edited EX art is not enterable for the art competition. :P
By Unauthodox (#428) on 16-12-2010 07:36:38
Lucky Kitty, we're gonna get it tonight
By Bearheaded (#199) on 16-12-2010 07:38:06
I missed school today from snow! :DD
By Unwritten Side Acc (#4559) on 16-12-2010 07:39:05
Awesome! x3 We still haven't recieved snow where we're art, so a snowball fight is just what the doctor ordered to make up for global warming. I better get busy. ;D
By Bearheaded (#199) on 16-12-2010 07:50:06
Hmm, I'm gonna enter the two contests while I'm at it! :D
By Bakura (#738) on 16-12-2010 08:39:29
I'm hoping that you mean any art, but could it be tweaked art or just drawing art?
By Natgrizzy (#3980) on 16-12-2010 09:55:14
How do we enter the contests? o: and ooooh i love snow, but there's no snow where i live v_v
By New User (#607) on 16-12-2010 11:08:17
Snowing there and.... Raining here! 8D Very cold rain though. LOL
By SkylordGrizwald (#326) on 16-12-2010 14:13:59
UK ehh see you on facebook well i will you won't see me ((laughs evily)) (just kidding)
By Star (#1753) on 16-12-2010 16:25:10
Got nothing but a mix of snow and icy rain last night on top of our snow we had already gotten, made the roads bad D:

Wow! I have almost 300 pieces of snow. xD
By New User (#607) on 17-12-2010 15:35:12
Woot, we got just over an inch of snow last night after all that rain! It's a miracle! XD
By Eligio (#1437) on 17-12-2010 17:06:24
how do we submit to the writing and it is wonderful its snowing on xd but here in Flordia it hasn't snow for a couple winters but realy the last big snow storm was in 1996
By Pie (#651) on 19-12-2010 08:36:12
Yay! Contests! Prizes! =D

Let's say I wanted to enter (for example) the Writing Contest. Do I HAVE to contact Kitty or is it okay to contact another mod?
By Dyr (#17) on 19-12-2010 10:46:08
For all those wanting to enter the contests- read the directions please. You'll have to message Kitty (and only Kitty) your entry. :)
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