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Exhibited Press - Comments

New Moderators
Posted by Kitty (#1) on 18th Nov 2010
One of the moderators I'd chosen sadly didn't reply (just my luck hmmmm?) so we now have two brand new moderators (and one part-time moderator!)

I'd like you all to welcome Bob, Levitas and part-timer Rykos onto the team. :D

P.S.: If you still aren't aware that you should seperate species of dinosaurs into their own enclosures, read the news post 2 posts below.
By Buffy Kiev (#3836) on 18-11-2010 10:29:21
Welcome to the team! :D
By New User (#488) on 18-11-2010 10:29:45
Welcome Bob, Levitas and Rykos! Nice to hear your mods now! X3
By Dea (#2769) on 18-11-2010 10:31:09
(is on library comp)Congradulations guys! I wanted to post this while I could.
By Tam (#3872) on 18-11-2010 10:32:00
Bob, eh? Things gotta go right with a Bob around.

XD Welcome, guys. And congrats.
By New User (#3482) on 18-11-2010 10:32:58
Best wishes and congrats to
Bob,Levitas and Rykos in your
new positions.
By Kitei (#5) on 18-11-2010 10:34:00
Finally, I have new slaves! :D
By New User (#950) on 18-11-2010 10:34:17
Congrats to all of you. :D
By New User (#607) on 18-11-2010 10:34:28
Woohoo! Good job guys, you'll be great. :D

I still wish I had time enough to be a Mod.. Darn school and art! XD
By Xuanmeng (#1507) on 18-11-2010 12:07:37
Yay! Congratulations, you guys! :D
By Zha'krisstol (#2373) on 18-11-2010 12:19:27
Congrats to all the new Mods!
By Wulfraptor (#170) on 18-11-2010 12:40:26
I'll never make mod... I type the wrong things and dun veiw them as wrong like calling some1 a sick puppy or refering 2 certain things... So gratz guys...
By Paya (#2473) on 18-11-2010 12:53:44
Congratulations, you guys. You'll do good. :)
By UnwrittenTale (#3511) on 18-11-2010 13:43:37
Congrats you guys! =)
By Caynine (#3734) on 18-11-2010 14:01:40
=D Congrats you three!
By Kitt (#254) on 18-11-2010 14:54:42
Congrats,and greetings X3
By NebulaNox (#1475) on 18-11-2010 16:30:06
By Dyr (#17) on 19-11-2010 11:54:33
Congrats guys! I look forward to working with ya. :)
By semisonic (#2475) on 19-11-2010 12:39:15
Oh how awesome, congrats everyone! :D