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Exhibited Press - Comments

Posted by Kitty (#1) on 14th Jun 2010
All the games should now be available again (flash and non-flash ones, including Dinosaur Dig) and you can access them either by going to the map or clicking the "games" button on the menu. (This is excluding lottery for the time being.)

All the trophy images have been revamped into a new style as well and I've cleared everyone's trophies. If you had any trophies before it should be relatively easy to get them back (money ones especially, just move some money around in your account and they'll slap back into life!).

You should also be able to unfreeze your account again. Sorry, I didn't realize it wasn't working.

I'm currently working on trials right now and once they're done I'll release them once again. I have a re-opening date in mind right now but I won't tell you what it is incase I don't make it - but let's just say it's soon. ;)
By ~ LunaOfMidnight (#151) on 14-06-2010 14:11:28
Hurray For News! Games! :D Thank Ya, Kitty!
By lemon (#110) on 14-06-2010 16:23:45
Awesome!! You will be fixing the weird sizes and placement of stuff that messed up with the layout change before the opening, right? I'm sorry to keep mentioning it, but it just bugs me so much. xD
By PostWarSalvage (#146) on 14-06-2010 19:34:21
Before the meltdown, I had ALL but 2 of the 50 trophies (I'm Rich and Collectors Trophy)
How can I get back the others? So far I've only recovered 9 of my trophies?

Aaarrghhh!!! PWS :(

1. $100k EXD Trophy - money
2. $10m EXD Trophy - money
3. $1m EXD Trophy - money
4. $250k EXD Trophy - money
5. $500k EXD Trophy - money
6. $50k EXD Trophy - money
7. $5m EXD Trophy - money
8. 10 Dinosaurs Trophy - dinos
9. 10 Enclosures Trophy - enclosures
10. 100 Dinosaurs Trophy - dinos
11. 100k Dinosaur Points Trophy - dino points
12. 100k PP Trophy – player points
13. 10k Dinosaur Points Trophy - dino points
14. 15 Enclosures Trophy - enclosures
15. 1m PP Trophy – player points
16. 20 Enclosures Trophy - enclosures
17. 20 Fish Trophy – full tank
18. 25 Dinosaurs Trophy – dinos
19. 25 Enclosures Trophy - enclosures
20. 250k PP Trophy – player points
21. 25k Dinosaur Points Trophy - dino points
22. 25k PP Trophy – player points
23. 5 Enclosures Trophy - enclosures
24. 50 Dinosaurs Trophy - dinos
25. 500k PP Trophy – player points
26. 50k Dinosaur Points Trophy - dino points
27. 50k PP Trophy – player points
28. 5k Dinosaur Points Trophy - dino points
29. Carnage At The Swamp Trophy – high score
30. Chick RoundUp Trophy – high score
31. Collectors Trophy – all shelf items
32. Dinosaur Dig Trophy – high score
33. Fish Breeder Trophy – breed a fish
34. GD Dinosaur Trophy – dino titles
35. Guess the Number Trophy - win
36. Heads or Tails Trophy - win
37. Illusionists Trophy – amber
38. I’m Rich Trophy - money
39. Job Trophy - job
40. L10 Dino Trophy – dino levels
41. L15 Dino Trophy – dino levels
42. L20 Dino Trophy – dino levels
43. L5 Dino Trophy – dino levels
44. MAS Dinosaur Trophy – dino titles
45. Meteorite Right Trophy - high score
46. NB Dinosaur Trophy – dino titles
47. Rampage Trophy – high score
48. Random Dice Trophy – dino figures
49. Upgrade Trophy – upgrade
50. Vine Trophy – pick something
By Mod Kitty (#1) on 15-06-2010 15:13:12
I've manually entered the ones you were missing, PWS. Lemme know if there's any missing still.
By Kitt (#254) on 15-06-2010 22:36:45
all my dinos but two died at once. DO you know why???
By Mod Kitty (#1) on 16-06-2010 04:34:37
Have you been feeding them?
By Kitt (#254) on 16-06-2010 14:43:33
ohhhh...SO they died because i was gone for two days? Well one of them was really elderly i understand his death. :p
By SkylordGrizwald (#326) on 17-06-2010 06:12:25
uhh the lab is broken : (
By Lilanth (#208) on 19-06-2010 16:30:47
I'm so stoked! Now I just need to remember to get on everyday. XD
By Eltafez (#77) on 20-06-2010 05:29:00
My trophy page seems to be down, is that normal or am I the only one? o.0;

But you're doing great so far, Kitty!
By ~ LunaOfMidnight (#151) on 20-06-2010 11:33:21
I Believe They're All Down. Mine Is, Too. xD
By New User (#5298) on 06-06-2011 07:40:43