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Exhibited Press - Comments

Posted by Kitty (#1) on 12th Sep 2011

Ank has kindly redone some of the older heavy tiger and leopard markings. A full list:

* T Rex Heavy & Common Tiger
* T Rex Heavy Leopard
* Sinornithosaurus Heavy Leopard
* Megaraptor Heavy & Common Tiger
* Linheraptor Heavy Leopard
* Eoraptor Heavy Tiger
* Eoraptor Heavy Leopard
* Dilophosaurus Heavy Leopard
* Deinonychus Heavy & Common Leopard
* Buitreraptor Heavy Leopard
* Bambiraptor Heavy & Common Leopard

Some previews:

Tiger T Rex
Heavy Tiger T Rex

Leopard Sinornithosaurus
Heavy Leopard Sinornithosaurus

Leopard Bambiraptor
Heavy Leopard Bambiraptor

I also finished something else today, something that was suggested by Clara and which I'm particularly in love with!


Right now, I'm about 70% finished of the new layout and just got done with battles, trials and items. When I'm 100% done, I will be requesting for testers on the boards, and picking some from there, so keep your eyes peeled!
By Gold (#12118) on 12-09-2011 14:28:33
This looks absolutely wonderful! Great job with the markings, many kudos to the artist ♥ Also loving the new shelf design. This will turn out beautiful.
By Scruffs (#1197) on 12-09-2011 14:39:14
Great work Kitty, looks amazing
By Sayl (#315) on 12-09-2011 14:46:53
By Star (#1753) on 12-09-2011 16:02:12
Love the marking revamp, look so much nicer!
By Zera (#10045) on 13-09-2011 07:13:29
I love the new Leopard T-Rex and Bambi markings! They look so pretty!
By feralhydra 2 ( kristy XD) (#6068) on 13-09-2011 09:10:28
nice i like it :)