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Exhibited Press - Comments

Posted by Kitty (#1) on 15th Aug 2011
I took a while getting all the entries up, so to avoid confusion, I'm extending the closing dates for both contests to be the 20th August 2011. If you had any ideas or anything, get finishing them and send them across. :D
By Mod Feather (#958) on 15-08-2011 09:48:28
yay!! I still need to make my entry XD
By feralhydra 2 ( kristy XD) (#6068) on 15-08-2011 12:56:48
thank god for that and thank you kitty :)
By Paya (#2473) on 15-08-2011 15:18:13
I love deadlines. I love the sound they make as they go whooshing by. :D
By Ankokou (#3281) on 15-08-2011 21:59:54
Thank you. XD
By dashund (#8198) on 19-08-2011 07:50:59
OMG i still have to done mine O_O