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King Dio's Graveyard

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

ID Name Species Gender Died of
#448423 Sh01 Deinonychus Female of old age.
#197725 Shockrocker Troodon Female of euthanasia.
#440512 Shockrocker Dilophosaurus Female of old age.
#435286 Shotgun Jungle Archaeopteryx Female of old age.
#205230 Shriek Spinosaurus Female in battle.
#244545 Silver Boxer Sinornithosaurus Male of old age.
#213982 Silverboxer Anchiornis Male of euthanasia.
#192356 Sinister Deinonychus Male of euthanasia.
#304958 Sinisterrrrr Deinonychus Female of old age.
#212942 Skulk Spinosaurus Female of euthanasia.
#479456 Skulk Sinornithosaurus Male of old age.
#213986 Skweg Anchiornis Female of euthanasia.
#491384 Skweg Tyrannosaurus Rex Male of old age.
#487561 Sky High Utahraptor Male of old age.
#244548 Slap Fight Sinosauropteryx Male of old age.
#214370 Sleep Tight Herrerasaurus Female of euthanasia.
#299340 Sleep Tight Sinosauropteryx Female of old age.
#236047 Sleepy Eyes Utahraptor Male of old age.
#487491 Sleipnir Utahraptor Male of old age.
#57344 Slop Microraptor Male of euthanasia.