ID | Name | Species | Gender | Died of |
#737603 | Grim | Utahraptor | Male | of poor health. |
#740736 | Dino Egg | Baryonyx | Female | of poor health. |
#741541 | Dino Egg | Baryonyx | Female | of poor health. |
#741791 | Woodland Tt | Acrocanthosaurus | Female | of poor health. |
#751473 | Fatal Tides | Baryonyx | Male | of poor health. |
#751478 | Fatal Seaweed | Baryonyx | Female | of poor health. |
#751481 | Orange Flower | Baryonyx | Female | of poor health. |
#751482 | Orange Mango | Baryonyx | Male | of poor health. |
#757005 | Swamp Fog | Acrocanthosaurus | Male | of poor health. |
#758838 | Fatal Mango | Baryonyx | Female | of starvation. |
#758840 | Orange Seaweed | Baryonyx | Male | of starvation. |
#758843 | Orange Tides | Baryonyx | Male | of starvation. |
#758847 | Fatal Flower | Baryonyx | Female | of starvation. |
#765905 | 1 BbIiooTTvv | Archaeopteryx | Male | of poor health. |
#765907 | 2 BbIIooSSTT | Archaeopteryx | Male | of poor health. |
#765908 | 3 RrSsTT | Archaeopteryx | Female | of poor health. |
#765909 | 4 GgJjRrTTVv | Archaeopteryx | Female | of poor health. |
#765910 | 5 BbGgOoSsTtvv | Archaeopteryx | Female | of poor health. |
#765918 | 1x4 BbOoTTVv | Archaeopteryx | Male | of poor health. |
#765921 | 1x4 GgOoTTVv | Archaeopteryx | Female | of poor health. |