ID | Name | Species | Gender | Died of |
#322152 | THZ Red Hot GgIiOoVv ACDdH (Keritin*---) | Linheraptor | Male | of euthanasia. |
#322181 | THZ First Snow Bb AaCcDdh (AqN*SageTundra) | Bambiraptor | Male | of euthanasia. |
#324460 | Ingridr | Sinornithosaurus | Female | of euthanasia. |
#325532 | †∫ Earth BbGgIiooRrSsTTVV ACcDdH | Buitreraptor | Male | of euthanasia. |
#326616 | ZHA's Pirate GgOoVv AaCdHh (Venga*Vustara) | Linheraptor | Male | of euthanasia. |
#328303 | GP: Akasma | Spinosaurus | Female | of old age. |
#330911 | Tale's Bullet TtVv aCcdHh | Bambiraptor | Male | of euthanasia. |
#330912 | Sail | Bambiraptor | Female | of euthanasia. |
#331233 | 6056 Rattler Vv aCcdh (Airhead*Terry) | Albertosaurus | Female | of euthanasia. |
#331500 | Scatter IiOoTt aCdHh (---*---) | Deinonychus | Female | of euthanasia. |
#331675 | Pop ZHA Bubbly JjSSvv aCcDdh | Allosaurus | Male | of euthanasia. |
#332621 | Cedar | Allosaurus | Female | of euthanasia. |
#332719 | 6056 Rave GgOoVv aCcdHh (Beau*Berta) | Albertosaurus | Male | of euthanasia. |
#333029 | Plymouth | Buitreraptor | Female | of euthanasia. |
#333609 | ZHA's Poppyseeds | Bambiraptor | Female | of euthanasia. |
#334880 | Bartholomeus IiSsTt (Present*Schuyler) | Allosaurus | Male | of euthanasia. |
#336661 | Elites' Malakai Vv aCcDh (Gotham+Jack o Lantern) | Carnotaurus | Male | of euthanasia. |
#336722 | MC Tricker BbGgVv (???*ChaØs-Misery) | Carnotaurus | Female | of euthanasia. |
#336794 | KINA Russian [GP] aCcDdh (Lussian*Yin) | Tyrannosaurus Rex | Male | of euthanasia. |
#336818 | ZHA Malachite IiVv aCcdh (Iolite*Amethyst) | Sinornithosaurus | Female | of euthanasia. |