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Caynine's Graveyard

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ID Name Species Gender Died of
#301699 !ICE (Dcx'd*Dorathy) Linheraptor Female of starvation.
#394582 B/G Snuggle Linheraptor Male of starvation.
#410797 !THZ Moonscarred Vv AaCDdh (Butternut*Decieve) Linheraptor Female of starvation.
#411372 $/PTL (Knock'EmDead*Decieve) Linheraptor Female of starvation.
#419122 |/ Navajo OoVv aCcDdh Linheraptor Male of starvation.
#419144 F Linheraptor Female of starvation.
#420540 $/PTL (Buccaneer*DeJaVu) Linheraptor Female of starvation.
#427020 Red Sark Linheraptor Male of starvation.
#506764 AMF BbSsVv aCcDdh (R.D.*Windsong) Linheraptor Female of starvation.
#515311 THZ L Linheraptor Female of starvation.
#515319 AMF BbGgVv acdh (Rikimaru*SephyrAri) iBR Linheraptor Female of starvation.
#556003 M BbVv aCDdHh (Saab*Tigress) Linheraptor Male of starvation.
#556039 M IiOo aCDdHh (SnowKnight*PeaceHawk) Linheraptor Male of starvation.
#556528 M GgOo Aacdh (Rimkaru*Imp) Linheraptor Male of starvation.
#557058 THZ Knights Return Gg aCdHh (Diemos*Nieva) Linheraptor Male of starvation.
#557072 THZ Prince GgSs aCcDdHh (SnowKnight*Kroki) iBU Linheraptor Male of starvation.
#557325 THZ Night Rider Vv acDdHh (LilTyc*TootToot) Linheraptor Male of starvation.
#560898 Paarl #560898 Buitreraptor Female of starvation.
#595796 Livid Brown Deinonychus Female of starvation.
#417419 THZ Pi GgOoSs AaCcDHh (Nicevenn*AJ-Leopard) Eoraptor Male of poor health.