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Native's Graveyard

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ID Name Species Gender Died of
#875999 Anarchy (6/6 Perfects, Yellow Eyes) Allosaurus Female of poor health.
#875641 Ghost Eyes (CGP, 6/6 Perfects, White Eyes) Allosaurus Female of poor health.
#875637 Cardinal Allosaurus Female of poor health.
#875301 Pumpkin Spice Allosaurus Female of poor health.
#874904 Bill Cipher (CPG, 6/6 Perfects, Orange Eyes) Allosaurus Male of old age.
#874678 Victor [Black Eyes, GP, 6/6 perfects] Acrocanthosaurus Male of old age.
#874677 Mark of Athena [Black Eyes, GP, 5/6 perfects] Acrocanthosaurus Female of old age.
#874073 Nala [Orange Eyes, 150+ stats, 5/6 perfects] Acrocanthosaurus Female of poor health.
#873719 Mr. Voodoo Man Linheraptor Male of poor health.
#873717 Whisper in the Bayoux Linheraptor Female of poor health.
#873397 Primrose (Yellow Eyes, AGP, 6/6 perfects) Allosaurus Female of old age.
#873396 Chii Chai Allosaurus Female of poor health.
#872823 Burn the Orchestra Linheraptor Female of poor health.
#872629 Inverness ll [Albino Eyes, GP, 5/6 perfects] Acrocanthosaurus Female of old age.
#872529 Lust of the Apacolypse Linheraptor Female of poor health.
#872528 Envy the King Linheraptor Male of poor health.
#872088 Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea (Prince) [Green Eyes, GP, 6/6] Acrocanthosaurus Male of old age.
#872082 Joan of Arc Linheraptor Female of poor health.
#872081 Junno in Gold Linheraptor Male of old age.
#871782 Nätive [White Eyes, 2/6 perfects] Acrocanthosaurus Female of old age.