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Native's Graveyard

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ID Name Species Gender Died of
#886209 Queenie Brass [Purple Eyes, GP, 6/6 perfects] Acrocanthosaurus Female of starvation.
#886358 Alexander The Great (Brown Eyes, GP, 5/6 perfects] Acrocanthosaurus Male of starvation.
#887413 Thunder Storm [Green Eyes, AGP, 6/6 perfects] Acrocanthosaurus Female of starvation.
#887415 Blizzard Of Oz [White Eyes, NGP, 6/6 perfects] Acrocanthosaurus Male of starvation.
#887735 Citrus Acid [Purple Eyes, NGP, 6/6 perfects] Acrocanthosaurus Female of starvation.
#888527 Castaway [Yellow Eyes, Lab Dino] Megaraptor Female of starvation.
#889869 Kelly [Brown Eyes, GP, 6/6 perfects] Acrocanthosaurus Female of starvation.
#889135 Jimber [Green Eyes, CPG, 6/6 perfects] Acrocanthosaurus Male of starvation.
#889872 Gimble [Brown Eyes, GP, 6/6 perfects] Acrocanthosaurus Male of starvation.
#904420 Green jr Dilophosaurus Female of starvation.
#905932 Dino Egg Dimetrodon Female of starvation.
#918649 Jungle Jubelee (GP, 6/6 perfects, Blue Eyes) Dimetrodon Female of starvation.
#917798 Rocky Road (Gg, Ss, Tt, Vv, 6/6 perfects, Red Eyes) Allosaurus Female of starvation.
#919605 Arabic Maurader (NGP, 5/6 perfects, Blue Eyes) Dimetrodon Male of starvation.
#919829 Adel (GP, 6/6 perfects, Purple Eyes) Phorusrhacos Female of starvation.
#919832 S'boar (GP, 6/6 perfects, Blue Eyes) Phorusrhacos Male of starvation.
#919828 Scarlet Knight (GP, 6/6 perfects, Black Eyes) Phorusrhacos Male of starvation.
#919833 Gumball Slide (GP, 5/6 perfects, Blue Eyes) Phorusrhacos Male of starvation.
#919924 Dino Egg Dimetrodon Female of starvation.
#919997 Peach Pancakes (GP, 5/6 perfects, Purple Eyes) Phorusrhacos Female of starvation.