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Pegasus's Graveyard

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ID Name Species Gender Died of
#953884 Iivv 0/6 1B+4E Utahraptor Female of poor health.
#953899 JjSSTtVv 3/6 3E+1A (contract filled) Utahraptor Male of old age.
#953907 bbGgVv 2/6 1B+4D (contract filled) Utahraptor Female of poor health.
#953912 IiSsTtVv 2/6 4A+1A Utahraptor Male of euthanasia.
#953974 IiSs 3/6 2B1A+5C4D (contract filled) Utahraptor Male of old age.
#953976 RrSsTtvv 2/6 5C2A+3E1B Utahraptor Female of old age.
#953980 GgSsTt 0/6 3C Utahraptor Male of poor health.
#953982 GgIiRrSSTTVv 2/6 3E Utahraptor Female of old age.
#953990 BbooSsVv 1/6 5D (contract filled) Utahraptor Male of old age.
#954144 Vv 2/6 5C2A+2B1A (contract filled) Utahraptor Female of old age.
#954262 Released Dino Troodon Female of poor health.
#954268 Released Dino Troodon Female of poor health.
#954277 Released Dino Troodon Female of old age.
#954282 Released Dino Troodon Male of old age.
#954292 OoTtVv 2/6 5D+3C (contract filled) Utahraptor Male of old age.
#954297 BbIiRrSs 5/6 2B1A+1B4D (contract filled) Utahraptor Male of old age.
#954350 IiSsTt 4/6 3E1A+5C4D (contract filled) Utahraptor Female of old age.
#954395 GgIiJjOoSs 0/6 5D Utahraptor Male of poor health.
#954404 Ii 3/6 2B1A5C4D+5C2A2B1A Utahraptor Female of old age.
#954414 BbOoSsTt 3/6 5D+3E Utahraptor Female of old age.