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Rustedbones's Graveyard

Pages: 1

ID Name Species Gender Died of
#917986 Dino Egg Graciliraptor Female of starvation.
#795781 Beautiful Feathers Green Fern Sinosauropteryx Female of euthanasia.
#741151 Eros Graciliraptor Female of poor health.
#703388 Colt Graciliraptor Male of old age.
#703094 Cry Havok Death by Drowning Linheraptor Male of old age.
#702954 Aurum Graciliraptor Female of old age.
#702162 Darkness's Solar Eclipse (Djinn) Linheraptor Female of euthanasia.
#701918 Skull and Crossroads Ancient Dragon (Tiamat) Linheraptor Female of old age.
#695354 Hekate Linheraptor Female of poor health.
#691585 Phasma Linheraptor Female of poor health.
#691192 Nocturne Oviraptor Female of old age.
#687822 Sundogs Prime Meridian (Magellan) Linheraptor Male of old age.
#675636 Glacier Graciliraptor Male of old age.
#651547 Heart of Darkness (Ebony) Linheraptor Female of old age.
#436586 Decent into the Maelstrom (Salvador) Linheraptor Male of old age.
#430660 Ballad of Gilgamesh (Krait) Linheraptor Male of old age.