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Shadowbolt's Graveyard

Pages: 1 2 3

ID Name Species Gender Died of
#89535 Lee Sinosauropteryx Male of old age.
#89331 Spike Deinonychus Male of starvation.
#89041 Amber Sinosauropteryx Female of old age.
#88556 :C Microraptor Male of unknown causes.
#88448 Meladee Buitreraptor Female of starvation.
#87621 Leah Linheraptor Female of old age.
#87406 Evena Buitreraptor Female of starvation.
#87290 Kale Neuquenraptor Female of old age.
#87109 Doom Girl Buitreraptor Female of starvation.
#86167 Ocean Sinornithosaurus Female of starvation.
#82212 Declan Troodon Male of starvation.
#82062 Bloodstreem Bambiraptor Male of starvation.
#68321 Derek Microraptor Male of starvation.
#67711 Evea Bambiraptor Female of starvation.
#66110 Spartan Sinornithosaurus Male of old age.
#58558 Zebra Velociraptor Male of old age.