ID | Name | Species | Gender | Died of |
#968320 | Hibi on Son | Herrerasaurus | Male | of poor health. |
#968314 | Six on Months | Herrerasaurus | Female | of poor health. |
#968311 | Laur on Son | Herrerasaurus | Male | of poor health. |
#968310 | Laur on Sonrise | Herrerasaurus | Female | of euthanasia. |
#968285 | Adge on Grama | Herrerasaurus | Male | of poor health. |
#968281 | Kahs on Grama | Herrerasaurus | Female | of euthanasia. |
#967984 | Laven on Pure | Herrerasaurus | Female | of euthanasia. |
#967983 | Laur on Pure | Herrerasaurus | Female | in battle. |
#967982 | Hibi on Pure | Herrerasaurus | Male | of euthanasia. |
#967637 | Birduful | Archaeopteryx | Female | of old age. |
#967572 | Birdles | Archaeopteryx | Female | in battle. |
#967551 | Il aen | Linheraptor | Female | of euthanasia. |
#967550 | Birdness | Archaeopteryx | Female | of old age. |
#963477 | Dopple | Dilophosaurus | Female | of old age. |
#963475 | Cardinal | Dilophosaurus | Female | of old age. |
#963470 | Husk | Albertosaurus | Female | of old age. |
#963461 | Ruit | Albertosaurus | Female | of old age. |
#947207 | Cherry on Pure | Herrerasaurus | Male | of old age. |
#947197 | I'd rather be a Bird than a Fish | Carnotaurus | Male | of old age. |
#947160 | It was a Simple Request of Death | Carnotaurus | Male | of old age. |