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Veilcleaver's Graveyard

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ID Name Species Gender Died of
#940923 4/6 Spinosaurus Male of starvation.
#948295 80s Zebra 4/6 Tyrannosaurus Rex Female of old age.
#946269 A Really Vibrant Dusk 6/6 Spinosaurus Male of poor health.
#940635 Algae 6/6 Carnotaurus Male of starvation.
#947804 Antidepressants 5/6 Tyrannosaurus Rex Female of poor health.
#603213 Ashio Tyrannosaurus Rex Male of old age.
#947815 Aurora Baryonyx Female of poor health.
#946263 Baked Beans 5/6 Tyrannosaurus Rex Male of poor health.
#946261 Barney if you're Blue Colorblind 5/6 Tyrannosaurus Rex Female of euthanasia.
#949461 Bayou 5/6 Baryonyx Female of poor health.
#940912 Blanket 5/6 Spinosaurus Male of starvation.
#942223 Blood in the Water 6/6 Spinosaurus Male of old age.
#960834 Bloody Tundra Allosaurus Female of poor health.
#940433 Bluenose 6/6 Tyrannosaurus Rex Male of starvation.
#949966 Blush 6/6 Allosaurus Male of poor health.
#946876 Blushy Flesh 6/6 Phorusrhacos Female of euthanasia.
#946251 Bone Marrow 6/6 Phorusrhacos Male of starvation.
#962372 Boneyard 5/6 Carnotaurus Female of poor health.
#947816 Borealis Baryonyx Male of old age.
#947549 Bubbles 5/6 Baryonyx Female of starvation.