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Ashley's Graveyard

Pages: 1 2

ID Name Species Gender Died of
#551985 Dino Egg Sinornithosaurus Male of starvation.
#553685 Dawn Megaraptor Female of starvation.
#554095 Dino Egg Anchiornis Male of starvation.
#554101 Dino Egg Sinornithosaurus Male of starvation.
#554142 Titch Dilophosaurus Male of starvation.
#554143 Ice Atrociraptor Male of poor health.
#554144 Fire Atrociraptor Female of poor health.
#554146 Icetail Atrociraptor Male of poor health.
#555319 Painter Megaraptor Male of starvation.
#555708 Dino Egg Sinornithosaurus Male of starvation.
#556146 Dino Egg Dilophosaurus Female of starvation.
#556343 Dino Egg Megaraptor Male of starvation.
#556825 Shadow Dilophosaurus Male of poor health.
#559562 Dino Egg Megaraptor Male of poor health.
#566179 Daski Utahraptor Male of starvation.
#744317 Anzu Utahraptor Male of starvation.
#745388 Daybreak Megaraptor Male of starvation.