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Nesferxty's Graveyard

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ID Name Species Gender Died of
#611958 Dino Egg Dimetrodon Female of poor health.
#611961 Dino Egg Dimetrodon Female of poor health.
#611964 Dino Egg Dimetrodon Female of poor health.
#612728 Dino Egg Balaur Female of poor health.
#613036 Desmire Dimetrodon Male of poor health.
#614205 Typhoon (Can't Breed) Acrocanthosaurus Male of euthanasia.
#615056 Freeze Heart Balaur Female of poor health.
#615714 Char✩ Baryonyx Female of poor health.
#616538 Felix's Male Acro Acrocanthosaurus Male of poor health.
#617364 ***Limoya Takoro Sanatai Deinonychus Male of euthanasia.
#622723 Diana Baryonyx Female of poor health.
#625552 ***The Enigma Of Angura Phorusrhacos Male of euthanasia.
#625963 Seifa Utaki Phorusrhacos Female of euthanasia.
#627173 Rune Baryonyx Male of poor health.
#627287 Levensai The Gate Keeper Spinosaurus Male of euthanasia.
#627449 6* NGP Phorusrhacos Male [Bb] {at Auction} Phorusrhacos Male of poor health.
#631756 Yahiko Jinja Phorusrhacos Male in battle.
#632156 Tensu Montai Nibrinx Sinornithosaurus Male of old age.
#636742 Deathira Sinornithosaurus Male of old age.
#636743 Dima Mura Kinshire Sinornithosaurus Female of old age.