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~ LunaOfMidnight's Graveyard

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ID Name Species Gender Died of
#893034 *** Ride 'Til Dawn *** (5/6)(Genes: BBGgiiJjOoRRssttVV) - *Albino Eyes* Baryonyx Female of poor health.
#494246 *** Ringling Star *** (3/6)(J)(Black)(Genes: BbGgIiJJooRRssTtVv) Baryonyx Male of poor health.
#486677 *** Robin's Reckoning *** (6/6)(J)(GP) Tyrannosaurus Rex Female of poor health.
#930205 *** Rocky Road *** (4/6)(Genes: BBGGiiJJOoRRssttVv) - *Yellow Eyes* Tyrannosaurus Rex Female of poor health.
#818348 *** Rose Field *** (4/6)(Genes: BbGGiiJJOoRRssTtVV) - *Blue Eyes* Tyrannosaurus Rex Female of poor health.
#667539 *** Royal Blu *** (6/6)(Genes: BbGGiiJJOORRssttVV) - *Yellow Eyes* Phorusrhacos Female of poor health.
#593586 *** Royal Blue *** (5/6)(Genes - BBGGiiJJOORrssTtVv) - *Yellow Eyes* Spinosaurus Female of old age.
#718498 *** Roze *** (6/6)(Genes: BBGGiiJJOoRRssttVV) - *Albino Eyes* Tyrannosaurus Rex Female of poor health.
#901970 *** Rum Day *** (6/6)(Genes: BBGGIiJJOORRSsttVV) - *Yellow Eyes* Spinosaurus Male of old age.
#932298 *** Run That Line *** (6/6)(Genes: BbGgiiJJOoRRSsTtVV) - *Green Eyes* Tyrannosaurus Rex Female of poor health.
#804876 *** Rush to Fall *** (6/6)(Genes: BBGGIiJJOoRRSsttvv) - *Orange Eyes* Tyrannosaurus Rex Male of poor health.
#212411 *** Rustic Copper *** (4/6)(Genes: BbGGiiJJOoRRssTtVv) - *Orange Eyes* Tyrannosaurus Rex Female of poor health.
#864363 *** Saved Again *** (6/6)(Genes: BBGGIIJJOORRSsttVv) - *Albino Eyes* Tyrannosaurus Rex Female of poor health.
#688367 *** Scarecrow's Guy *** (6/6)(GP) - *Red Eyes* Carnotaurus Female of poor health.
#534729 *** Sea Bottom *** (6/6)(Genes: BBGgiiJJOoRRssttVv) - *Green Eyes* Albertosaurus Female of starvation.
#409417 *** Sea Corral *** (3/6) Genes: BbGGiiJJOoRRssttvv Albertosaurus Female of old age.
#507878 *** Sea Spirit *** (1/6) Genes: BBGGiiJJOoRRSsttVV Tyrannosaurus Rex Male of poor health.
#700157 *** Sea Surface *** (Reserved for #29130) Dimetrodon Male of poor health.
#460100 *** Seashore *** (5/6)(GP) Dimetrodon Male of starvation.
#331788 *** Seaside Shore *** (6/6) Spinosaurus Female of starvation.