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Blaster's Graveyard

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ID Name Species Gender Died of
#948418 Tazzy [Coelo] (Reserve) Coelophysis Male of old age.
#964118 Tavi [Utah] (Lab) Utahraptor Female of old age.
#964113 Tarek [Utah] (Skelfie x Leafi) Utahraptor Male of old age.
#833364 Tani Sinornithosaurus Female of old age.
#838660 Talos Coelophysis Male of poor health.
#948721 Tallula [Mega] (Reserve) Megaraptor Female of old age.
#949130 Taji (Lab - Reserve) Sinornithosaurus Female of starvation.
#931800 Tahi (Lab - Reserve) Coelophysis Female of old age.
#844224 Tacha Coelophysis Female of old age.
#782864 Surfie Archaeopteryx Female of old age.
#974188 Sunder [Sino] (Lab) Sinosauropteryx Male of old age.
#525010 Stripe Graciliraptor Male of poor health.
#902143 Strik [Bambi] (Reserve) IB 50% Bambiraptor Male of old age.
#948525 Strevi [Mega] (Reserve) Megaraptor Male of old age.
#849509 Straco Coelophysis Male of poor health.
#947839 Squill [Buit] (Reserve) Buitreraptor Male of old age.
#840389 Sprout Coelophysis Female of old age.
#949574 Spiny (Reserve) Spinosaurus Male of starvation.
#816840 Spindle Graciliraptor Male of old age.
#947967 Spinch [Utah] (Reserve) Utahraptor Female of old age.