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Blaster's Graveyard

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ID Name Species Gender Died of
#939450 Desar (Sandy x Drifty) Utahraptor Male of starvation.
#939581 Anaki (Dark Cyan x Patch) Bambiraptor Male of starvation.
#939585 Clay (Goldie x Juniper) Utahraptor Male of starvation.
#939590 Sol (Goldie x Pearl) Utahraptor Male of starvation.
#939595 Diesel (Outer x Sark) Utahraptor Male of starvation.
#939599 Almon (Sandy x Shim) Utahraptor Male of starvation.
#939609 Fin (Inky x Tina) Utahraptor Male of starvation.
#939752 Sliv (Inky x Amara) Utahraptor Female of starvation.
#939754 Haili (Firo x Himi) Utahraptor Female of starvation.
#939758 Slate (Twiby x Par) Utahraptor Female of starvation.
#939761 Ebony (Bayo x Heather) Utahraptor Female of starvation.
#939764 Daisy (Lab) Bambiraptor Female of poor health.
#947648 Phora (Birdy x Barney - Reserve) Phorusrhacos Female of starvation.
#947828 Magnoro [Balaur] (Reserve) Balaur Male of old age.
#947833 Royari [Balaur] (Reserve) Balaur Female of old age.
#947835 Heart [Buit] (Reserve) Buitreraptor Female of old age.
#947839 Squill [Buit] (Reserve) Buitreraptor Male of old age.
#947946 Boxie [Bambi] (Reserve) Bambiraptor Male of old age.
#947951 Bruma [Bambi] (Reserve) Bambiraptor Female of old age.
#947954 Rudi [Compy] (Reserve) Compsognathus Male of old age.