ID | Name | Species | Gender | Died of |
#462972 | New Zion (Use anti-aging potion on) | Carnotaurus | Female | of euthanasia. |
#405074 | NGP 6/6 hvy Leopard Dime | Dimetrodon | Male | of euthanasia. |
#503303 | NGPTribal | Baryonyx | Male | of euthanasia. |
#379265 | Nhiak | Atrociraptor | Female | of old age. |
#340228 | Night Fire (GP) | Carnotaurus | Female | of old age. |
#396639 | Night Patrol (GP) | Dimetrodon | Male | of old age. |
#340418 | Night Prowler (GP) | Carnotaurus | Female | of old age. |
#493518 | Night Sky firefly | Archaeopteryx | Female | of euthanasia. |
#468771 | NightFire (NGP) | Carnotaurus | Female | of euthanasia. |
#476530 | NightShade | Sinosauropteryx | Female | of euthanasia. |
#332937 | Noel | Dilophosaurus | Female | of old age. |
#467894 | Norway | Sinornithosaurus | Female | of euthanasia. |
#407804 | Obsydian Blade | Tyrannosaurus Rex | Female | of euthanasia. |
#340408 | Obsydian Echo (NGP) | Carnotaurus | Male | of old age. |
#444369 | Oiled Gears | Deinonychus | Female | of euthanasia. |
#229599 | Olive Battler | Linheraptor | Female | of euthanasia. |
#498659 | Omega Haiti (NGP) | Carnotaurus | Female | of euthanasia. |
#498999 | Omega Sinbad | Carnotaurus | Female | of euthanasia. |
#340419 | Ominous Blaze (NGP) | Carnotaurus | Male | of old age. |
#498657 | Onyx Icefall | Carnotaurus | Female | of euthanasia. |