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Paine's Graveyard

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ID Name Species Gender Died of
#462972 New Zion (Use anti-aging potion on) Carnotaurus Female of euthanasia.
#405074 NGP 6/6 hvy Leopard Dime Dimetrodon Male of euthanasia.
#503303 NGPTribal Baryonyx Male of euthanasia.
#379265 Nhiak Atrociraptor Female of old age.
#340228 Night Fire (GP) Carnotaurus Female of old age.
#396639 Night Patrol (GP) Dimetrodon Male of old age.
#340418 Night Prowler (GP) Carnotaurus Female of old age.
#493518 Night Sky firefly Archaeopteryx Female of euthanasia.
#468771 NightFire (NGP) Carnotaurus Female of euthanasia.
#476530 NightShade Sinosauropteryx Female of euthanasia.
#332937 Noel Dilophosaurus Female of old age.
#467894 Norway Sinornithosaurus Female of euthanasia.
#407804 Obsydian Blade Tyrannosaurus Rex Female of euthanasia.
#340408 Obsydian Echo (NGP) Carnotaurus Male of old age.
#444369 Oiled Gears Deinonychus Female of euthanasia.
#229599 Olive Battler Linheraptor Female of euthanasia.
#498659 Omega Haiti (NGP) Carnotaurus Female of euthanasia.
#498999 Omega Sinbad Carnotaurus Female of euthanasia.
#340419 Ominous Blaze (NGP) Carnotaurus Male of old age.
#498657 Onyx Icefall Carnotaurus Female of euthanasia.