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Viewing EeveeDream's Farm - Spartan Fields
Jump to dinosaurs?

This is my carnivore account! ^^ See my main account for my herbivores and fish. Please send all messages here!

Dino genetic testing! Useful!

Welcome! Please Read Fully!

Welcome to Spartan Fields! Where we spend as much time training as we do creating! Here you will find an assortment of well trained dinos. But do be careful about your distance to the enclosures. We had one visitor who got a bit too plucky with our Grims. What happened to him? Well...let's just say he won't be coming within 10 miles of here ever again. *Evil smile that quickly disappears*

Come now! We don't want to keep the dinos waiting, do we? Each enclosure is labeled with the breed of carnivore, so go by that if you want to see the dinosaurs within.

We are currently working on a second Grim project-our first one is a huge success-but this time, with a larger dinosaur: Carnosaurus. We have also successfully clones out first pair of Grim founders! However, we do need funding for our second pair, as well as experience granting items galore! There is no one currently managing our herbivore farm (account #29299), though if you wish to buy an official Grim dinosaur, you've come to the right la-I mean, farm.

Oh, I forgot to mention one thing: we have an informational/advertising thread about our Grims. If you would like to see it and learn more about them, please go here. If you fail to follow the rules of the Grims, you will be BANNED from buying any others ever again.

photo GrimBanner_zps18b80cb2.png

A - Official Grims

B - Toxic Grims

C - Spino

D - Archae

E - Anchi














