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Owned By Forgotten Land (#20587) 16/20 Inhabitants
Kandas Tribal & Skeleton Pack
L5 BGR Kanda #555997- BBGGiiJjooRRssTtvv 60 Public
L1 BGR White Rose#570867- BBGGiiJJOoRrssTTVV 24 Public
L1 BGR Nutmeg #561897- BBGGiiJJOoRRSsTtVv 47 Public
L4 BGR YoYo #557652- BbGgIiJjooRRSSttVV 56 Public
L9 BGR CoCo #548599- BBGgIiJJOORRSsTtVv 72 Public

Red Pearl's Pack
L6 BGR Red Pearl #554358 63 Public
L1 BGR Au Chico- BBGgiijjooRRSsTtVv 16 Public
L1 BGR Speckel- BBggIiJJOORRSsttvv 21 Public
L1 BGR Flood #557345- BBGgIIJJOORRSsttVv 56 Public

Ules Odd Pack
L8 BGR Ule #539261 88
L1 BGR Buring#570857- BBGGiiJjooRRSsTtVv 24 Public
L1 BGR Tar#570861- BBGGIiJjooRRssTTvv 24 Public
L1 BGR Aqua#570918- BBGGIIJJOORRSSTtVv 24 Public
L7 BGR Power #551171- BBGgIiJJOORRSSTTvv 68 Public
L10 BGR Stripes #547648- bbGgIiJjOoRRSSTtVV 74 Public

L1 BGR Dino Egg 2


0 dinosaurs with happiness below 100% in this enclosure.