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Linheraptor Enclosure

Owned By Mesozoic Farms (#10045) 20/25 Inhabitants

I'm sure your wondering why I have symbols infront of and after my dino's name's... Well, it helps me organize them better and find good breeders easily throughout my packs. Here are what my symbols means:

Symbol's (infront of names)
+ = Custom Dino
* = Perfect Dino
~ = Semi Perfect (doesn't carry bad genes, but doesn't show all the good)

Sybmol Meanings (after names)
S: = Shows
C: = Carries
SB = Slow Brain
PJ = Poor Joints
CP = Cleft Palette
R = Rage

If C: or S: isn't after the name, then the dino doesn't carry a bad gene and I will list the good gene's that it carries like so:

SPD = Speed Boost
INT = Intelligent Boost
STR = Strength Boost
VO = Vocal
VIB = Vibrant

L7 BGR R - Raina 92
L9 BGR ~Thalion SPD (NGP) 79
L10 BGR Maerwen C: CP, SPD 79
L10 BGR ~Ophelia SPD (NGP) 66
L10 BGR ~Skayno SPD (NGP) 66
L10 BGR Sidean C: SB (NGP) 66
L10 BGR Detara C: SB (NGP) 66
L9 BGR Arius C: SB, R 58
L9 BGR Mana C: CP (NGP) 52
L10 BGR *Fenix 52
L9 BGR Cicada C: SB (NGP) 48
L9 BGR Fawkes C: CP (NGP) 41
L9 BGR Coriander C: CP, SPD 41
L9 BGR ~Eridian C: SPD 39
L9 BGR ~Astra C: SPD 39
L8 BGR *Orion 36
L7 BGR *Amelia 28
L6 BGR Zinnia C: SB 28
L2 BGR Talith C:SPD (NGP) 15
L2 BGR Raia C:SPD (NGP) 15


20 dinosaurs with happiness below 100% in this enclosure.