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Fact Files

Name Oviraptor Philoceratops Information
Diet Omnivorous Oviraptor had a very unusual face - instead of the typical jaws of the other dinosaurs, it had a beak, which was probably used to crush shells of mollusks such as clams, as well as other dinosaur eggs. It was first discovered in 1924 by the legendary paleontologist Roy Chapman Andrews.
Height Unknown
Length 6ft
Weight 70lbs
Location Mongolia
Era 70 million years ago Interesting Fact
The first oviraptor fossil was found on top of a clutch of eggs, leading to the suggestion that they ate eggs! At first, they were thought to be protoceratops eggs - but now it has been confirmed that they were oviraptor eggs and the fossil was brooding them!
Name Means "Egg Thief"
Pronunciation O-veh-RAP-tor
Family Oviraptoridae

Game Statistics
Total 2,252 Females 1,178
Adults 1,605 Males 1,074
Chicks 583 For Stud 132
Eggs 64 For Sale 23
STR above 100 692 Levels Above 15 67
SPD above 100 402 Battle Wins Above 100 191
INT above 100 415 Hunting Wins Above 50 2
STR above 300 529 Levels Above 25 3
SPD above 300 223 Battle Wins Above 200 48
INT above 300 229 Hunting Wins Above 100 0
STR above 1000 366 Levels Above 50 0
SPD above 1000 37 Battle Wins Above 300 1
INT above 1000 37 Hunting Wins Above 200 0