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L1 BGR DB Titanosaurus

THIS DINOSAUR IS DEAD! (It's picture is no longer available.)





Species Gender Age
Acrocanthosaurus Male Dead
Owner Breeder
DragonBahamut (#17087) DragonBahamut (#17087)
Titanosaurus shares a name with a real dinosaur species, though they do not share much beyond nomenclature; Titanosaurus' design is more reminiscent of spinosaurs, such as Spinosaurus or Suchomimus, as it shares the same aquatic adaptations, crocodile-like snout and sports a sail-like fin emerging from the dorsal side of his back, like the humps or spines of spinosaurs. Originally, Titanosaurus was going to be two separate monsters that would eventually merge into the final design, but due to budgetary restraints only the final form of the Titanosaurus suit was made.