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"Addicted to what? Feeling like you just got spun around for an hour and like your head is going to explode?" He said. He truely felt awful. Alex had been given sedatives before, but he never felt like this before. Maybe they expected him to grow a tolerance to it and started giving him more or something?

Was it possable to over dose on that stuff and die? Surely they knew how much was enough. Sciensts were heavily fined if they killed a gifted so Lucius or any other sciensts wouldn't risk the possablity of killing him.

"I'm going to have to deal with two sciensts now." Alex said. "There is some new guy I haven't seen before to."

Kadvar wasn't sedated too often. He wasn't typically violent, and would only act stubborn when he didn't like a scientist. He typically didn't want to provoke a guard and risk burning or killing them. When he was sedated though they could make him feel truely aweful and ill.

"Two? Lucius is enough as it is." He didn't want to think what dealing with two would be like. Even some of the most violent and dangerous gifteds only had one scientist. They used more guards not scientists. It was also strange he never saw him before, unless he worked in a different part of the facility.

"I am pretty sure he was only there because he's the one assigned to Duncan. Hopefully he will not stick around even if Duncan is not used in a test." Alex said. He agreed with Kadvar, Lucius was more then enough. He was infuriating and he always seemed to know what to do or to say to make Alex even more angry at him.

Alex did not have anger issues, in fact he did not often become angry. His reputation of being violent was only because of how Lucius acted. Alex was sure he still would be difficult if he was assigned to someone different but he may not have become 'dangerous'.

"Hopefully." If their escape plan didn't work he might just have to become aggressive, if only for Lucius to be reassigned. Or go insane, one of the two. Lucius was annoying and seemed to lean towards using drugs to keep gifteds under control. He just loved ticking him and Alex off.

"I can't wait to get out of here," if their escape plan worked. Living in a cramped cell was boring, and they didn't move around enough. Kadvar hadn't seen sunlight since he had been brought to the labs. Speaking of which, where was the island? "You wouldn't happen to know if it was hot or cold outside when you were brought here, would you?" That's if he was conscious when he was brought here. If they were in a cold climate that could pose a problem for himself. He himself had a cloth put to his face and had kept unconscious until brought into the labs, as he was a fire gifted and potentially very dangerous.

Alex remembered when he was taken to the labs. At that point he was trying to stay out of trouble and was doing what he was told. The reason being was that it was the common belief that after a gifted was caught, they were killed. Alex did not expect to be still alive at that point and did not want to push it.

The boat ride to the island was long and uncomfortable. There was no clock or windows where Alex was, so he had no idea just how long it took, but it seemed to take forever. Each gifted were in their own tiny and cramped cage-like cell. Alex had to bend down a little whenever he stood up and barely had room to turn around.

Alex envyed the people that they kept asleep for the whole ride. They didn't have to go through the discomfort of the place. He was very thankful to finnally be taken off the boat. The island was tropical, and kinda hot. It was the kind of place you would expect to see leopards and large colorful birds.

"The island is a rainforest, so its damp and hot, you'd like it." Alex said. "You're lucky you didn't have to be awake for the whole ship ride, it was aweful."

"I didn't think the ride was too bad."

As silently as one would expect out of a butterfly, perhaps partially masked by the soft tornado of voices that could be heard in the hallway from the other cells, Nori appeared. Her hair was still pinned up in a bun, but a few stray strands had fallen along the nape of her neck. Her jumpsuit was ruffled as if she'd just been wrestling with someone, and there was a brushburn running the length of her arm.

She smiled at the two gifteds, her eyes sparkling brightly, before saying, "They surprised me with bar inspection today - I totally forgot about it!"

Alex narrowed his eyes when he saw Nori, he saw her in a different light now. Before he had been kinda happy to see her, now he was uneasy around her. He quickly changed his expression, he didn't want Nori to think they were onto her.

"Well you weren't down under the deck shoved into a tiny dog crate the whole time wondering wether or not they are going to kill you." Alex said. Alex was sure that any workers would be treated much better on the ship compared to the gifteds. They most likely had their own rooms and everything.

Nori cocked her head and looked up thoughtfully, her bottom lip puckering outward as she recalled her what her journey to the island had been like.

"Well, I can't say I was in a dog crate, but the rest is pretty accurate."

She came up to the bars of the cell, pulling a foldable step lader into view. She grabed two of the legs and flicked it quickly until it popped out. She put it down and carefully, with her hands grasping the cell bars, climbed herself up until she was standing on the top and her eyes were level with the top of the cell. Her eyes started carefully scanning the bars.

"What other part was 'pretty accurate'? I highly doupt that you were worried that you were going to die and that you had no idea where you were going." Alex said. The trip on the ship was the most stressful thing that had happened to Alex.

He had just been very violently captured and without any explaining was shoved into a cage and send off in the ship. The Labs had let the general public belive that gifteds where killed after being caught. Alex had no idea why he was still alive and was always expecting to be killed. No one else around him knew anything either.

She stopped and looked down at him, her face slightly blank in surprise at his question.

"Well, they kept pointing a gun at my head. I think that counts. I guess I... kind of rushed into the job... they don't really... Oh! I guess you know how it is! They don't really tell you where you're going or what's going on."

Nori hopped up onto her toes, closing in on a section of a bar until her nose was nearly touching it. She squinted carefully at it, putting many other with bar inspection to shame.

"They told me it was a regular cleaning job that would be sending sending me away for training, and I needed the money," she said, voice flat and quiet.

Hopefully the island wasn't too hot, he didn't want a repeat of his last test. After he reached a certain point he had been affected by the heat so rapidly. It would be dangerous if that were to happen outside. If they were in a rainforest though at least there would be plenty of shade, and maybe fresh water. What concerned him was the humidity, it might make it harder to start fires. He was already bad at starting them.

"Well at least you two knew how you got here." It had been frightening to wake up in a bed you didn't know in an unfamiliar building. He had been so skittish and stressed his first week here. The fact they used guards with heavy fire proof equipment that made them look less human hadn't helped. He had also burned a scientist's face in that first week.

Taking on a job where you were send off to some random ocean and required to have a gun pointed at you all the time did not seem like a job any sane person would take. Along with the fact that once you are on the island, you aren't allowed back. For such an simply job like cleaning you would think Nori could have found a better place.

"Why would you want a job like that? Why couldn't you find a job? There were many new job openings once gifteds where being captured. Someone had to take their place in the job." Alex asked.

Nori scratched at a section of bar with a short fingernail as if trying to decide whether that section was too weak or fake to pass inspection.

"Most people jumped at those jobs right away, and companies hired really quickly because they needed to replace the workers they lost. A lot of companies failed before they could hire enough people - the job market was kind of brutal, you know? A woman who lived down the street from me got killed over a job position, that's just the way it was."

She rested her head against two bars, looking down at Alex. The sparkle in her eyes had died down until it was more of a simmer of memories, pain, and old frustration.

"I needed to be able to support Albie, my kid. It's not cheap renting an apartment and feeding two mouths, you know!" she said, adding a cheery note and a smile to the last sentence.

Alex was a little confused about Nori's answer. It made sence to take any job you can get if you needed money and it also made sence that it could be hard for her to make enough money to live on. He had expiranced that first hand.

After being kicked out of his home, Alex went from being quite wealthy to quite poor very quickly. Of course he was well educated and could get a pretty good job, that is if he had finished his schooling. He was discovered by his family as a gifted before he could finish. But to tell the truth, he didn't really care about that.

It was difficult to find a job for the excact reason Nori couldn't find a job. Plus Alex was just a teenager with no background at all to make him seem like a better choice since he did not want anyone to know who his parents where. Add the fact that soon after the hunt for gifteds started and Duncan also got the cold sholder from their parents and you got a near impossable task.

However what did not make sence at all to him was the fact that the job Nori took required her to leave Abie alone. Who was taking care of the child and how could she be sure the child wasn't just wasting all the money she sent to him on candy? It seemed like a pretty flawed plan to Alex.

"Then who is taking care of Abie now?" He asked.

"My friend, Anya," Nori said, her face flushing into a smile of relief. "No one's better suited! I can't ask her to watch him forever, though..."

She climbed down the step ladder and moved it over a few feet, remounting it to begin inspecting another section of bars with sharp eyes. She kept at it with determination, but part of her mind was wandering at the thought of her son.

"Most of the money I make is going towards housing Albie with her and saving up for the ticket to bring him over, so I have to work really, really hard." 

Lab Rats (Gifted Roleplay)

All the characters are at a lab in a remote island. All the guards and scientists live in buildings around the lab. Most of the lab is under ground. The lab is very guarded and is pretty much impossable to excape from. There are rooms of about five Gifteds all in their own cell, but they are able to see each other and speak to each other.


In our world, we expect we all have the same kinds of abilities, we can all do the same things, it all just depends on what you practice. However that believe is wrong, there are people born with strange, fantastic and even dangerous powers known as Gifteds. It doesn't matter if the parents are Gifted, the children produced seem to be randomly Gifted or non-Gifted.

Of course normal people fear the Gifteds, they are stronger than them, more dangerous than them and they have no way of knowing who is who. That's why when people learned of them the hunt for Gifteds started almost immediately.

The caught Gifteds were sent away to a place only known as 'The Labs' where they are experimented on to find their weaknesses and their strengths. Their final goal is to find a way to control them and use them for wars.



Lucius brought Nori and Alex for a test to see if Alex could heal Nori's sickness.

Alex was drugged in order to savely bring him back to his cell.

Kadvar told Alex his plans to excape by writing on a card and passing it to him.

Kadvar is dirtying his cell to try to attract Nori.

Rusty is being lazy and not updating this.


Please play as the minority group so we don't get overflowed with one type of character.

Please look at other characters and do not make Gifteds with a power someone already has.

All powers must have weaknesses. For example, most Gifteds will loose control of their ability while under stress.

Only one power for each Gifted.

Both guards and scientists carry weapons, but scientists will only use them if a guard isn't around.

No killing without permission.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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Side Character

Second RP Master
Ink (#35575)

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